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Traditional Processed Meat Products Re-designed Towards Inulin-rich Functional Foods Reduce Polyps in Two Colorectal Cancer Animal Models




Inulin-rich foods exert a prebiotic effect, as this polysaccharide is able to enhance beneficial colon microbiota populations, giving rise to the in situ production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as propionic and butyric acids. These SCFAs are potent preventive agents against colorectal cancer due to their histone deacetylases inhibitory properties, which induce apoptosis in tumor colonocytes. As colorectal cancer is the fourth most common neoplasia in Europe with 28.2 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a cost-effective preventive strategy has been tested in this work by redesigning common porcine meat products (chorizo sausages and cooked ham) consumed by a substantial proportion of the population towards potential colorectal cancer preventive functional foods. In order to test the preventive effect of these inulin-rich meat products against colorectal cancer, an animal model (Rattus norvegicus F344) was used, involving two doses of azoxymethane (10 mg/kg) and two treatments with dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) during a 20-week assay period. Control feed, control sausages, functional sausages (15.7% inulin), control cooked ham and functional cooked ham (10% inulin) were used to feed the corresponding animal cohorts. Then, the animals were sacrificed and their digestive tract tissues were analyzed. The results showed a statistically significant 49% reduction in the number of colon polyps in the functional meat products cohorts with respect to the control meat products animals, as well as an increase in the cecum weight (an indicator of a diet rich in prebiotic fiber), a 51.8% increase in colon propionate production, a 39.1% increase in colon butyrate concentrations, and a reduction in the number of hyperplastic Peyer’s patches. Metagenomics studies also demonstrated colon microbiota differences, revealing a significant increase in Bacteroidetes populations in the functional meat products (mainly due to an increase in Bacteroidaceae and Prevotellaceae families, which include prominent propionate producers), together with a reduction in Firmicutes (especially due to lower Lachnospiraceae populations). However, functional meat products showed a remarkable increase in the anti-inflammatory and fiber-fermentative Blautia genus, which belongs to this Lachnospiraceae family. The functional meat products cohorts also presented a reduction in important pro-inflammatory bacterial populations, such as those of the genus Desulfovibrio and Bilophila. These results were corroborated in a genetic animal model of CRC (F344/NSlc-Apc1588/kyo) that produced similar results. Therefore, processed meat products can be redesigned towards functional prebiotic foods of interest as a cost-effective dietary strategy for preventing colorectal cancer in human populations.
机译:富含菊粉的食物具有益生元的作用,因为这种多糖能够增强有益的结肠微生物群,从而原位产生短链脂肪酸(SCFA),例如丙酸和丁酸。由于它们的组蛋白脱乙酰基酶抑制特性,这些SCFAs是有效的针对大肠癌的预防剂,可诱导肿瘤结肠细胞凋亡。由于结直肠癌是欧洲第四大最常见的瘤变,每100,000居民中有28.2例新病例,因此通过重新设计按比例食用的大部分猪肉产品(香肠香肠和火腿),已测试了一种经济有效的预防策略。人口趋向于潜在的预防结肠直肠癌的功能食品。为了测试这些富含菊粉的肉类产品对结肠直肠癌的预防作用,使用了一种动物模型(Rattus norvegicus F344),其中涉及两次剂量的乙氧基甲烷(10μmg/ kg)和两次葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)治疗在20周的检测期内。使用对照饲料,对照香肠,功能性香肠(15.7%菊粉),对照熟火腿和功能性火腿(10%菊粉)喂养相应的动物群。然后,处死动物并分析其消化道组织。结果表明,与对照肉制品动物相比,功能性肉制品队列中的结肠息肉数量减少了统计上显着的49%,并且盲肠重量增加了(富含益生元纤维的饮食指标) ,丙酸结肠产量增加51.8%,丁酸结肠浓度增加39.1%,增生性Peyer斑的数量减少。元基因组学研究还证明了结肠微生物群的差异,揭示了功能性肉制品中拟杆菌的种群显着增加(主要是由于拟杆菌科和前鞭毛科家族的增加,其中包括著名的丙酸生产者),同时Fimicutes的减少(尤其是由于较低的固本菌) Lachnospiraceae种群)。然而,功能性肉制品显示出抗炎和纤维发酵性蓝头藻属的显着增加,该属属于该鞭毛藻科。功能性肉制品队列还显示出重要的促炎细菌种群减少,例如Desulfovibrio和Bilophila属。在产生类似结果的CRC遗传动物模型(F344 / NSlc-Apc 1588 / kyo )中证实了这些结果。因此,可以将加工的肉类产品重新设计为所关注的功能性益生元食品,以此作为预防人类结直肠癌的经济有效的饮食策略。



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