首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Medical Entomology >The Citizen Science Project ‘Mueckenatlas’ Helps Monitor the Distribution and Spread of Invasive Mosquito Species in Germany

The Citizen Science Project ‘Mueckenatlas’ Helps Monitor the Distribution and Spread of Invasive Mosquito Species in Germany

机译:公民科学项目 Mueckenatlas帮助监测德国入侵性蚊子的分布和扩散



The citizen science project ‘Mueckenatlas’ (mosquito atlas) was implemented in early 2012 to improve mosquito surveillance in Germany. Citizens are asked to support the spatiotemporal mapping of culicids by submitting mosquito specimens collected in their private surroundings. The Mueckenatlas has developed into an efficient tool for data collection with close to 30,000 mosquitoes submitted by the end of 2015. While the vast majority of submissions included native mosquito species, a small percentage represented invasive species. The discovery of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae) and Aedes koreicus (Edwards) (Diptera: Culicidae) specimens via the Mueckenatlas project prompted targeted monitoring activities in the field which produced additional information on the distribution of these species in Germany. Among others, Mueckenatlas submissions led to the detection of three populations of Ae. j. japonicus in West, North and Southeast Germany in 2012, 2013, and 2015, respectively. As demonstrated by on-site monitoring, the origins of Ae. j. japonicus specimens submitted to the Mueckenatlas mirror the distribution areas of the four presently known German populations as found by active field sampling (the fourth population already reported prior to the launch of the Mueckenatlas). The data suggest that a citizen science project such as the Mueckenatlas may aid in detecting changes in the mosquito fauna and can therefore be used to guide the design of more targeted field surveillance activities.
机译:2012年初实施了公民科学项目“ Mueckenatlas”(蚊子图集),以改善德国的蚊子监测。要求公民通过提交在其私人环境中收集的蚊子标本来支持杀伤人员的时空分布图。 Mueckenatlas已发展成为一种高效的数据收集工具,到2015年底已提交了近30,000只蚊子。尽管绝大多数提交的材料包括本地蚊子,但一小部分代表入侵物种。通过Mueckenatlas项目发现白纹伊蚊(Skuse)(双翅目:Culicidae),日本伊蚊(Theobald)(双翅目:Culicidae)和koedicus(Edwards)(双翅目:Culicidae)标本的发现促使在有针对性的监测领域进行了监测活动有关这些物种在德国分布的更多信息。其中,Mueckenatlas提交的材料导致发现了三个Ae种群。 j。 2012年,2013年和2015年分别在德国西部,北部和东南部的日本。正如现场监测所证明的,Ae的起源。 j。提交给Mueckenatlas的日本标本反映了通过主动野外采样发现的四个目前已知的德国人口的分布区域(在Mueckenatlas发射之前已经报告了第四人口)。数据表明,诸如Mueckenatlas之类的公民科学项目可能有助于检测蚊子动物的变化,因此可以用来指导更具针对性的野外监视活动的设计。



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