首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ACS Chemical Neuroscience >Antipsychotic Drugs Activate the C. elegans Akt Pathway via the DAF-2 Insulin/IGF-1 Receptor

Antipsychotic Drugs Activate the C. elegans Akt Pathway via the DAF-2 Insulin/IGF-1 Receptor

机译:抗精神病药通过DAF-2胰岛素/ IGF-1受体激活秀丽隐杆线虫Akt途径



The molecular modes of action of antipsychotic drugs are poorly understood beyond their effects at the dopamine D2 receptor. Previous studies have placed Akt signaling downstream of D2 dopamine receptors, and recent data have suggested an association between psychotic illnesses and defective Akt signaling. To characterize the effect of antipsychotic drugs on the Akt pathway, we used the model organism C. elegans, a simple system where the Akt/forkhead box O transcription factor (FOXO) pathway has been well characterized. All major classes of antipsychotic drugs increased signaling through the insulin/Akt/FOXO pathway, whereas four other drugs that are known to affect the central nervous system did not. The antipsychotic drugs inhibited dauer formation, dauer recovery, and shortened lifespan, three biological processes affected by Akt signaling. Genetic analysis showed that AKT-1 and the insulin and insulin-like growth factor receptor, DAF-2, were required for the antipsychotic drugs to increase signaling. Serotonin synthesis was partially involved, whereas the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), SEK-1 is a MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK), and calcineurin were not involved. This is the first example of a common but specific molecular effect produced by all presently known antipsychotic drugs in any biological system. Because untreated schizophrenics have been reported to have low levels of Akt signaling, increased Akt signaling might contribute to the therapeutic actions of antipsychotic drugs.
机译:除抗精神病药对多巴胺D2受体的作用外,人们对它们的分子作用方式了解甚少。先前的研究已经将Akt信号传导置于D2多巴胺受体的下游,最近的数据表明,精神病与Akt信号传导缺陷之间存在关联。为了表征抗精神病药对Akt途径的作用,我们使用了模型秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans),这是一个简单的系统,其中Akt /叉头盒O转录因子(FOXO)途径得到了很好的表征。所有主要类别的抗精神病药物均通过胰岛素/ Akt / FOXO途径增强信号传导,而其他四种已知会影响中枢神经系统的药物则没有。抗精神病药抑制了Dauer的形成,Dauer的恢复并缩短了寿命,这是受Akt信号传导影响的三个生物学过程。遗传分析表明,AKT-1和胰岛素以及类胰岛素生长因子受体DAF-2是抗精神病药增加信号转导所必需的。血清素的合成部分参与,而有丝分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK),SEK-1是MAP激酶激酶(MAPKK),而钙调神经磷酸酶则不参与。这是在任何生物系统中所有目前已知的抗精神病药物产生的常见但特定的分子效应的第一个例子。由于据报道未治疗的精神分裂症患者的Akt信号传导水平较低,因此增加的Akt信号传导可能有助于抗精神病药物的治疗作用。



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