首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Analytical Toxicology >Analysis of a Commercial Marijuana e-Cigarette Formulation

Analysis of a Commercial Marijuana e-Cigarette Formulation




Personal battery-powered vaporizers or electronic cigarettes were developed to deliver a nicotine vapor such that smokers could simulate smoking tobacco without the inherent pathology of inhaled tobacco smoke. With four states within the USA having legalized the cultivation, distribution and recreational use of marijuana and an additional 23 states plus the District of Columbia with laws that legalize marijuana in some form, it was inevitable that suppliers of legal marijuana would develop marijuana products for use in these electronic cigarettes. Presented is the analysis of one such marijuana electronic cigarette formulation sold under the brand name Liberty Reach. The cannabinoid concentrations in Liberty Reach as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography—triple quadrapole mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS-MS) were Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 42.6% (w/v) and cannabidiol 0.5% (w/v). These concentrations were significantly lower than the labeled 69% Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 1% cannabidiol. Furthermore, 4 cannabinoids, 13 marijuana terpenes, and propylene glycol were identified by a combination of Direct Analysis in Real Time-AccuTOF™ mass spectrometry (DART-MS), HPLC–MS-MS and gas chromatography–MS.
机译:开发了个人电池供电的蒸发器或电子香烟来传递尼古丁蒸汽,使吸烟者可以模拟吸烟,而无需吸入烟草烟雾的内在病理。美国境内有四个州已将大麻的种植,分发和娱乐使用合法化,另外23个州以及哥伦比亚特区以法律将某种形式的大麻合法化,因此,合法大麻的供应商不可避免地会开发大麻产品以供使用在这些电子烟中。呈现的是对一种这样的以电子商标Liberty Reach出售的大麻电子香烟配方的分析。通过高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱(HPLC-MS-MS)确定的自由港中的大麻素浓度为Δ9-四氢大麻酚,含量为42.6%(w / v),大麻酚为0.5%(w / v)。这些浓度显着低于标记的69%Δ9-四氢大麻酚和1%大麻二酚。此外,通过实时直接分析-AccuTOF™质谱(DART-MS),HPLC-MS-MS和气相色谱-MS的组合鉴定出4种大麻素,13种大麻萜烯和丙二醇。



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