首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine >An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: Classification Evaluation and Management of Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease in Infancy

An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: Classification Evaluation and Management of Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease in Infancy




Background: There is growing recognition and understanding of the entities that cause interstitial lung disease (ILD) in infants. These entities are distinct from those that cause ILD in older children and adults.Methods: A multidisciplinary panel was convened to develop evidence-based guidelines on the classification, diagnosis, and management of ILD in children, focusing on neonates and infants under 2 years of age. Recommendations were formulated using a systematic approach. Outcomes considered important included the accuracy of the diagnostic evaluation, complications of delayed or incorrect diagnosis, psychosocial complications affecting the patient’s or family’s quality of life, and death.Results: No controlled clinical trials were identified. Therefore, observational evidence and clinical experience informed judgments. These guidelines: (1) describe the clinical characteristics of neonates and infants (<2 yr of age) with diffuse lung disease (DLD); (2) list the common causes of DLD that should be eliminated during the evaluation of neonates and infants with DLD; (3) recommend methods for further clinical investigation of the remaining infants, who are regarded as having “childhood ILD syndrome”; (4) describe a new pathologic classification scheme of DLD in infants; (5) outline supportive and continuing care; and (6) suggest areas for future research.Conclusions: After common causes of DLD are excluded, neonates and infants with childhood ILD syndrome should be evaluated by a knowledgeable subspecialist. The evaluation may include echocardiography, controlled ventilation high-resolution computed tomography, infant pulmonary function testing, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, genetic testing, and/or lung biopsy. Preventive care, family education, and support are essential.
机译:背景:人们对引起婴儿间质性肺疾病(ILD)的实体的认识和了解不断增长。这些实体与导致年龄较大的儿童和成人发生ILD的实体不同。方法:召集了一个多学科小组,以制定基于证据的儿童ILD的分类,诊断和管理指南,重点是2岁以下的新生儿和婴儿。年龄。建议是使用系统方法制定的。认为重要的结果包括诊断评估的准确性,诊断延迟或错误诊断的并发症,影响患者或家庭生活质量的社会心理并发症以及死亡。结果:未确定任何对照临床试验。因此,观察证据和临床经验有助于作出判断。这些准则:(1)描述患有弥漫性肺病(DLD)的新生儿和婴儿(<2岁)的临床特征; (2)列出评估新生儿和婴儿DLD时应消除的DLD常见原因; (3)建议对其余被认为患有“儿童ILD综合征”的婴儿进行进一步临床研究的方法; (4)描述了一种新的DLD婴儿病理分类方案; (5)概述支持和持续护理;结论(6)排除了DLD的常见病因后,应由博学多识的专科医生评估新生儿和儿童期ILD综合征的婴儿。评估可能包括超声心动图,通气控制的高分辨率计算机断层扫描,婴儿肺功能检查,支气管肺泡灌洗的支气管镜检查,基因检查和/或肺活检。预防保健,家庭教育和支持至关重要。



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