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The use of clinical role-play and reflection in learning therapeutic communication skills in mental health education: an integrative review




>Background: An important goal in mental health education is for students to develop their ability to provide care and help to people with different degrees of mental problems. Positive experiences with the use of clinical role-play and subsequent reflection inspired us to investigate whether previous empirical studies had evaluated similar methods of teaching and to scrutinize the effects on students’ development of therapeutic skills and clinical reflection.>Method: An integrative review was conducted to search the literature for findings from both qualitative and quantitative research. Systematic searches of literature were done in Ovid (MEDLINE, PsycInfo), Cinahl, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, SweMed, Norart, ProQuest, and Google Scholar.>Results: The systematic literature search provided 42 full-text articles and four articles met the inclusion criteria. The results suggest that role-play in health education enhances students’ therapeutic and communicative skills. Nevertheless, there is limited research on the use of role-play in teaching therapeutic skills, and few studies that investigate how role-play affects students’ reflections on own practice. The literature search did not discover studies investigating whether practicing role-play in educational settings has consequences for clinical practice.>Conclusion: Based on this current review, role-playing in supervised groups seems to promote reflection and insight not only for students in the patient and therapist roles, but also for peers observing the group sessions. According to the included studies, clinical role-play facilitates helper–user equality and increases students’ involvement, self-efficacy, and empathic abilities in mental health practice.
机译:>背景:心理健康教育的一个重要目标是使学生发展为不同程度的精神问题患者提供护理和帮助的能力。使用临床角色扮演和后续反思的积极经验激发了我们调查以前的经验研究是否评估了类似的教学方法,并仔细研究了对学生发展治疗技能和临床反思的影响。>方法:进行了综合综述,以从定性和定量研究中检索文献。在Ovid(MEDLINE,PsycInfo),Cinahl,Cochrane,ScienceDirect,SweMed,Norart,ProQuest和Google Scholar中进行了系统的文献检索。有四篇文章符合纳入标准。结果表明,健康教育中的角色扮演可以提高学生的治疗和沟通能力。然而,关于角色扮演在治疗技能教学中的使用的研究有限,很少有研究调查角色扮演如何影响学生对自己实践的反思的研究。文献搜索未发现有关研究教育环境中的角色扮演是否对临床实践具有影响的研究。>结论:基于当前的综述,受监管群体中的角色扮演似乎促进了反思和洞察力仅适用于担任患者和治疗师角色的学生,还适用于观察小组会议的同伴。根据纳入的研究,临床角色扮演可促进助手​​与用户的平等,并提高学生在心理健康实践中的参与度,自我效能感和同理能力。



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