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Probiotics and Other Key Determinants of Dietary Oxalate Absorption




Oxalate is a common component of many foods of plant origin, including nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, and is typically present as a salt of oxalic acid. Because virtually all absorbed oxalic acid is excreted in the urine and hyperoxaluria is known to be a considerable risk factor for urolithiasis, it is important to understand the factors that have the potential to alter the efficiency of oxalate absorption. Oxalate bioavailability, a term that has been used to refer to that portion of food-derived oxalate that is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), is estimated to range from 2 to 15% for different foods. Oxalate bioavailability appears to be decreased by concomitant food ingestion due to interactions between oxalate and coingested food components that likely result in less oxalic acid remaining in a soluble form. There is a lack of consensus in the literature as to whether efficiency of oxalate absorption is dependent on the proportion of total dietary oxalate that is in a soluble form. However, studies that directly compared foods of varying soluble oxalate contents have generally supported the proposition that the amount of soluble oxalate in food is an important determinant of oxalate bioavailability. Oxalate degradation by oxalate-degrading bacteria within the GIT is another key factor that could affect oxalate absorption and degree of oxaluria. Studies that have assessed the efficacy of oral ingestion of probiotics that provide bacteria with oxalate-degrading capacity have led to promising but generally mixed results, and this remains a fertile area for future studies.
机译:草酸盐是许多植物性食品的常见成分,包括坚果,水果,蔬菜,谷物和豆类,通常以草酸盐形式存在。由于实际上所有吸收的草酸都会从尿中排出,而高草酸尿是尿路结石的重要危险因素,因此了解有可能改变草酸盐吸收效率的因素非常重要。草酸盐生物利用度是一个术语,用于指代从胃肠道(GIT)吸收的一部分食物来源的草酸盐,对于不同的食物,其估计范围为2%至15%。草酸盐与共消化的食物成分之间的相互作用可能会导致草酸的生物利用度降低,这是由于草酸盐与共消化的食物成分之间的相互作用可能导致较少的草酸以可溶性形式保留。关于草酸盐吸收效率是否取决于可溶形式的总膳食草酸盐的比例,文献上缺乏共识。但是,直接比较具有不同可溶性草酸盐含量的食物的研究通常支持以下主张:食物中可溶性草酸盐的量是草酸盐生物利用度的重要决定因素。 GIT中草酸盐降解细菌对草酸盐的降解是另一个可能影响草酸盐吸收和草酸尿程度的关键因素。评估口服摄入益生菌的功效的研究可以使细菌具有草酸盐的降解能力,但结果却令人鼓舞,但总体而言结果参差不齐,这仍然是未来研究的沃土。



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