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Association between alcohol consumption and rotator cuff tear




Background and purpose — Long-term alcohol intake is associated with various negative effects on capillary microcirculation and tissue perfusion. We hypothesized that alcohol consumption might be a risk factor for both the occurrence and the severity of rotator cuff tears (RCTs).Patients and methods — A case-control study was performed. We studied 249 consecutive patients (139 men and 110 women; mean age 64 (54–78) years) who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Tear size was determined intraoperatively. The control group had 356 subjects (186 men and 170 women; mean age 66 (58–82) years) with no RCT. All participants were questioned about their alcohol intake. Participants were divided into: (1) non-drinkers if they consumed less than 0.01 g of ethanol per day, and (2) moderate drinkers and (3) excessive drinkers if women (men) consumed > 24 g (36 g) per day for at least 2 years.Results — Total alcohol consumption, wine consumption, and duration of alcohol intake were higher in both men and women with RCT than in both men and women in the control group. Excessive alcohol consumption was found to be a risk factor for the occurrence of RCT in both sexes (men: OR = 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2–3.9; women: OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 0.94–4.1). Massive tears were associated with a higher intake of alcohol (especially wine) than smaller lesions.Interpretation — Long-term alcohol intake is a significant risk factor for the occurrence and severity of rotator cuff tear in both sexes.
机译:背景与目的—长期饮酒与毛细血管微循环和组织灌注的各种负面影响有关。我们假设饮酒可能是肩袖撕裂(RCT)的发生和严重程度的危险因素。患者和方法—进行了病例对照研究。我们研究了249例接受关节镜下肩袖修复的患者(男139例,女110例;平均年龄64(54-78)岁)。术中确定眼泪大小。对照组有356名受试者(186名男性和170名女性;平均年龄66(58-82)岁),无RCT。所有参与者都被问到他们的酒精摄入量。参与者分为:(1)非饮酒者,如果他们每天消耗少于0.01克的乙醇;(2)中度饮酒者,和(3)如果女性(男人)每天饮酒≥24g(36 g),则饮酒过量结果-至少2年。结果–患有RCT的男性和女性的总酒精摄入量,葡萄酒消耗和酒精摄入持续时间均高于对照组的男性和女性。男女过量饮酒是发生RCT的危险因素(男性:OR = 1.7,95%CI:1.2-3.9;女性:OR = 1.9,95%CI:0.94-4.1)。与较小的病变相比,大量的泪液与较高的酒精摄入量(尤其是酒)摄入有关。解释—长期摄入酒精是男女肩袖撕裂发生和严重程度的重要危险因素。



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