首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Annals of Translational Medicine >Is early invasive management as ST elevation myocardial infarction warranted in de Winter’s sign?—a peak into the widow-maker

Is early invasive management as ST elevation myocardial infarction warranted in de Winter’s sign?—a peak into the widow-maker




de Winter’s sign was first described by de Winter et al. in 2008 as a new electrocardiographic (EKG) pattern of acute proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) occlusion. Instead of the normal presentation of ST elevation, it is described as depression of ST segment at the J point in the precordial leads V1-V6, which are upsloping leading to hyper-acute T waves, with ST elevation in aVR. The initial retrospective systematic analysis proved this sign to be present in about 2% of anterior myocardial infarction. This review aims to address the important question of mode and urgency of intervention, on detection of de Winter’s sign. In this review, we take a look at the de Winter’s sign EKG characteristics, accuracy in diagnosis, typical patient presentation, and the outcomes of early intervention. We conducted a Medline search using various combinations of “de Winter’s sign,” “STEMI equivalent,” “cardiac catheterization,” and “thrombolysis” to identify pivotal research articles published before June 1, 2019, for inclusion in this review. Concurrently, major practice guidelines, trial bibliographies, and pertinent reviews were examined to ensure inclusion of relevant trials. A consensus among the authors was used to choose items for narrative inclusion. The following section reviews data from pivotal trials to determine the need for early invasive management in de Winter’s sign. Research articles reviewed evaluating cardiac catheterization in de Winter’s sign. de Winter’s sign, although rare (~2%), should be promptly recognized, as it reveals underlying severe coronary artery pathology, frequently involving the LAD which is associated with a high rate of mortality. This systematic review emphasizes awareness and strong consideration of early activation of the cardiac catheterization lab with PPCI; which may yield better treatment outcomes. The evidence suggests that de Winter’s sign, presenting with ST depression and T wave elevation, should indeed be treated as ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) equivalent, with prompt recognition and early intervention.
机译:de Winter等人首先描述了de Winter的标志。在2008年作为一种新的心电图(EKG)模式对急性近端左冠状动脉前降支(LAD)进行了阻塞。代替正常的ST抬高,它被描述为在心前导联V1-V6的J点处ST段的下压,该导联向上倾斜导致超急性T波,而aVR中ST抬高。最初的回顾性系统分析证明,这种征兆存在于大约2%的前心肌梗死中。这篇评论旨在解决有关de Winter体征检测的干预方式和紧迫性这一重要问题。在这篇评论中,我们了解了de Winter的EKG征象特征,诊断的准确性,典型的患者表现以及早期干预的结果。我们对Medline进行了搜索,使用了``de Winter的体征'',``STEMI等效项'',``心脏导管插入术''和``溶栓术''的各种组合,以找出2019年6月1日之前发表的关键研究文章,以纳入本次审查。同时,对主要实践指南,试验书目和相关评论进行了检查,以确保纳入相关试验。作者之间的共识被用来选择叙述性内容。以下部分回顾了关键试验的数据,以确定在德温特征兆下进行早期侵入性治疗的必要性。研究文章回顾了以de Winter的体征评估心脏导管插入术。 de Winter的体征虽然很少见(〜2%),但应立即被发现,因为它揭示出潜在的严重冠状动脉病变,经常涉及LAD,这与高死亡率相关。这篇系统的综述强调了对PPCI早期激活心脏导管实验室的认识和强烈考虑;这可能会产生更好的治疗效果。有证据表明,表现为ST抑郁和T波升高的de Winter体征确实应被视为与ST抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)相当,并应迅速识别并尽早干预。



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