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Intergeneric Conjugation in Streptomyces peucetius and Streptomyces sp. Strain C5: Chromosomal Integration and Expression of Recombinant Plasmids Carrying the chiC Gene

机译:peucetius链霉菌和Streptomyces sp的属间共轭。菌株C5:携带chiC基因的重组质粒的染色体整合和表达



Intergeneric conjugal transfer of plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli to Streptomyces circumvents problems such as host-controlled restriction and instability of foreign DNA during the transformation of Streptomyces protoplasts. The anthracycline antibiotic-producing strains Streptomyces peucetius and Streptomyces sp. strain C5 were transformed using E. coli ET12567(pUZ8002) as a conjugal donor. When this donor species, carrying pSET152, was mated with Streptomyces strains, the resident plasmid was mobilized to the recipient and the transferred DNA was also integrated into the recipient chromosome. Analysis of the exconjugants showed stable integration of the plasmid at a single chromosomal site (attB) of the Streptomyces genome. The DNA sequence of the chromosomal integration site was determined and shown to be conserved. However, the core sequence, where the crossover presumably occurred in C5 and S. peucetius, is TTC. These results also showed that the φC31 integrative recombination is active and the phage attP site is functional in S. peucetius as well as in C5. The efficiency and specificity of φC31-mediated site-specific integration of the plasmid in the presence of a 3.7-kb homologous DNA sequence indicates that integrative recombination is preferred under these conditions. The integration of plasmid DNA did not affect antibiotic biosynthesis or biosynthesis of essential amino acids. Integration of a single copy of a mutant chiC into the wild-type S. peucetius chromosome led to the production of 30-fold more chitinase.
机译:质粒DNA从大肠杆菌到链霉菌的种间共生转移避免了诸如链霉菌原生质体转化过程中宿主控制的限制和外源DNA不稳定等问题。产生蒽环类抗生素的菌株Peucetius和Streptomyces sp。使用大肠杆菌ET12567(pUZ8002)作为结合供体转化菌株C5。当该携带pSET152的供体物种与链霉菌菌株交配时,常驻质粒被动员至受体,转移的DNA也被整合到受体染色体中。准分子的分析表明,该质粒在链霉菌基因组的单个染色体位点(attB)上稳定整合。确定了染色体整合位点的DNA序列并显示是保守的。但是,C5和S. Peucetius发生交叉的核心序列是TTC。这些结果还表明,在C.peucetius以及C5中,φC31整合重组是有活性的,噬菌体attP位点是有功能的。在存在3.7kb同源DNA序列的情况下,质粒的φC31介导的位点特异性整合的效率和特异性表明,在这些条件下优选整合重组。质粒DNA的整合不影响抗生素的生物合成或必需氨基酸的生物合成。将单拷贝的突变chiC整合到野生型比氏链球菌染色体中,可产生多30倍的几丁质酶。



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