首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antioxidants >Lactation Affects Isolated Mitochondria and Its Fatty Acid Composition but Has No Effect on Tissue Protein Oxidation Lipid Peroxidation or DNA-Damage in Laboratory Mice

Lactation Affects Isolated Mitochondria and Its Fatty Acid Composition but Has No Effect on Tissue Protein Oxidation Lipid Peroxidation or DNA-Damage in Laboratory Mice




Linking peak energy metabolism to lifespan and aging remains a major question especially when focusing on lactation in females. We studied, if and how lactation affects in vitro mitochondrial oxygen consumption and mitochondrial fatty acid composition. In addition, we assessed DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyls to extrapolate on oxidative stress in mothers. As model system we used C57BL/6NCrl mice and exposed lactating females to two ambient temperatures (15 °C and 22 °C) while they nursed their offspring until weaning. We found that state II and state IV respiration rates of liver mitochondria were significantly higher in the lactating animals than in non-lactating mice. Fatty acid composition of isolated liver and heart mitochondria differed between lactating and non-lactating mice with higher n-6, and lower n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the lactating females. Surprisingly, lactation did not affect protein carbonyls, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage, nor did moderate cold exposure of 15 °C. We conclude that lactation increases rates of mitochondrial uncoupling and alters mitochondrial fatty acid composition thus supporting the “uncoupling to survive” hypothesis. Regarding oxidative stress, we found no impact of lactation and lower ambient temperature and contribute to growing evidence that there is no linear relationship between oxidative damage and lactation.
机译:将峰值能量代谢与寿命和衰老联系起来仍然是一个主要问题,尤其是在关注女性泌乳时。我们研究了泌乳是否以及如何影响体外线粒体耗氧量和线粒体脂肪酸组成。此外,我们评估了DNA损伤,脂质过氧化和蛋白羰基以推断母亲的氧化应激。作为模型系统,我们使用C57BL / 6NCrl小鼠,将哺乳期的雌性小鼠置于哺乳期直至断奶的两个环境温度(15°C和22°C)下。我们发现,在哺乳期动物中,肝线粒体的状态II和状态IV呼吸速率显着高于非哺乳期小鼠。在哺乳期雌性中,n-6较高和n-3多不饱和脂肪酸较低的哺乳期小鼠和非哺乳期小鼠,分离的肝脏和心脏线粒体的脂肪酸组成不同。出人意料的是,泌乳不会影响蛋白质的羰基,脂质过氧化和DNA损伤,也不会影响15°C的适度冷暴露。我们得出的结论是,泌乳会增加线粒体解偶联的速率并改变线粒体脂肪酸的组成,从而支持“解偶联生存”的假设。关于氧化应激,我们发现泌乳和较低的环境温度均无影响,并为越来越多的证据表明氧化损伤与泌乳之间没有线性关系提供了证据。



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