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Maternal prolactin inhibition during lactation programs for metabolic syndrome in adult progeny




Neonatal malnutrition is associated with metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Maternal hypoprolactinaemia at the end of lactation (a precocious weaning model) caused obesity, leptin resistance and hypothyroidism in adult offspring, suggesting an association of prolactin (PRL) and programming of metabolic dysfunctions. Metabolic syndrome pathogenesis is still unclear, but abdominal obesity, higher triglycerides, lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c) and insulin resistance have been proposed to be important factors involved. We studied the consequences of maternal hypoprolactinaemia during lactation on parameters associated with metabolic syndrome. Lactating Wistar rats were treated with bromocriptine (BRO, 1 mg twice a day) or saline on days 19, 20 and 21 of lactation and their offspring were followed from weaning until 180 days old. Adult BRO offspring had higher body weight (+10%, P < 0.05), total body fat (+41%, P < 0.05), visceral fat (+20%, P < 0.05), subcutaneous fat (+3 times, P < 0.05) and total body protein (+24%, P < 0.05). BRO group presented hyperglycaemia (+16%, P < 0.05), lower muscle glycogen (−51%, P < 0.05), higher cholesterol (+30%, P < 0.05), higher low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c) (+1.5 times, P < 0.05), higher triglycerides (+49%, P < 0.05), lower HDL-c (−28%, P < 0.05), hyperleptinaemia (+2.9 times, P < 0.05), hypoadiponectinaemia (−16%, P < 0.05) and hypoprolactinaemia (−54%, P < 0.05) as well as higher insulin resistance index (+24%, P < 0.05). Regarding adrenal function, BRO rats showed hypercorticosteronaemia (+46%, P < 0.05) and higher total catecholamine (+37%, P < 0.05). In the hypothalamus, no change was observed in protein expression of the leptin signalling pathway. Thus, neonatal malnutrition induced by maternal PRL inhibition during late lactation programs for obesity, dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance in adult offspring increasing the risk for metabolic syndrome development.
机译:新生儿营养不良与成人代谢综合征有关。哺乳期结束时的母体催乳激素过低(一种早熟的断奶模型)会导致成年后代肥胖,瘦素抵抗和甲状腺功能减退,提示催乳素(PRL)与代谢功能障碍的编程相关。代谢综合征的发病机制仍不清楚,但已提出腹部肥胖,甘油三酸酯较高,高密度脂蛋白(HDL-c)较低和胰岛素抵抗是涉及的重要因素。我们研究了泌乳期间母体泌乳素不足的后果对代谢综合征相关参数的影响。在哺乳期的第19、20和21天,用溴隐亭(BRO,每天1 mg两次,每天两次)或生理盐水处理哺乳期的Wistar大鼠,从断奶到180天大,跟踪其后代。成年BRO后代的体重更高(+ 10%,P <0.05),总脂肪(+ 41%,P <0.05),内脏脂肪(+ 20%,P <0.05),皮下脂肪(+3倍,P <0.05)和体内总蛋白(+ 24%,P <0.05)。 BRO组出现高血糖(+ 16%,P <0.05),较低的肌肉糖原(-51%,P <0.05),较高的胆固醇(+ 30%,P <0.05),较高的低密度脂蛋白(LDL-c)( +1.5倍,P <0.05),甘油三酸酯较高(+ 49%,P <0.05),HDL-c较低(-28%,P <0.05),高脂血症(+2.9倍,P <0.05),脂联低(-16 %,P <0.05)和泌乳素不足症(-54%,P <0.05)以及较高的胰岛素抵抗指数(+ 24%,P <0.05)。在肾上腺功能方面,BRO大鼠表现出高皮质类固醇血症(+ 46%,P <0.05)和总儿茶酚胺较高(+37%, P <0.05)。在下丘脑中,瘦素信号传导途径的蛋白表达未见变化。因此,在成年后代肥胖,血脂异常和胰岛素抵抗的后期泌乳程序中,母体PRL抑制引起的新生儿营养不良增加了代谢综合征发展的风险。



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