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Serological findings in leprosy and tuberculosis with the Wassermann Meinicke and VDRL tests




In the course of a venereal disease survey in Egypt, 820 cases of leprosy and 720 cases of tuberculosis were serologically examined with the Wassermann, Meinicke (MKR II), and VDRL tests; the results are reported in this paper.On serological and anamnestic evidence, 31 cases of syphilis were discovered among the leprosy cases and 37 among the tuberculosis cases. Apparently false positive reactions were seen in 203 cases of leprosy (25%) and in 38 cases of tuberculosis (5%). The author discusses the probability that a fairly high proportion of these reactions were in fact caused by otherwise undetected syphilis or were non-specific.The Meinicke test proved the most specific of the three, followed, in that order, by the Wassermann and the VDRL tests.It was found that syphilis was more frequent among males with tuberculosis than among those with leprosy; this is attributed to the fact that leprosy patients are kept in greater isolation. Less easily explicable is the fact that more females than males with leprosy were found to have syphilis, whereas in tuberculous persons the difference in syphilis incidence between male and female patients was not very great.
机译:在埃及进行的一项性病调查过程中,通过Wassermann,Meinnicke(MKR II)和VDRL检测对820例麻风病和720例结核病进行了血清学检查。根据血清学和遗忘证据,在麻风病病例中发现了31例梅毒,在结核病病例中发现了37例。 203例麻风病(25%)和38例肺结核(5%)明显出现假阳性反应。作者讨论了这些反应中相当高的比例实际上是由其他原因未发现的梅毒引起的或非特异性梅毒的可能性.Meinnicke检验证明了这三种中最特异性的,随后依次是Wassermann和VDRL结核病男性的梅毒患病率高于麻风病男性。这归因于麻风病人被隔离的事实。不容易解释的事实是,发现患有梅毒的女性多于男性,而在结核病患者中,男性和女性患者的梅毒发生率差异不是很大。



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