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Extracellular potassium and trasmitter release at the giant synapse of squid.




1. The effects of changes in extracellular K concentration, [K]0, on synaptic transmission were studied at the squid giant synapse with intracellular recording from the presynaptic terminal and post-synaptic axon. 2. The amplitudes of both the presynaptic spike and the e.p.s.p. varied inversely with [K]0. On the average, a 10 mV change in spike height was accompanied by a 3-1 mV change in e.p.s.p. amplitude. 3. The amplitude of the presynaptic spike after-hyperpolarization (AH) varied inversely with [K]0. On the average, increasing [K]0 resulted in a 20% change in e.p.s.p. amplitude per mV change in presynaptic spike AH. 4. Repetitive antidromic stimulation of the post-synaptic giant axon resulted in an exponential decline in the post-synaptic spike AH, a depolarization of the presynaptic membrane potential and a reduction in the AHs of presynaptic spikes. This suggests that the K which accumulates in the extracellular spaces around the post-synaptic axon also affects the presynaptic terminal. 5. Repetitive antidromic stimulation of the post-synaptic axon resulted in a reduction in the amplitude of e.p.s.p.s. elicted by stimulation of the presynaptic axon. The reduction in e.p.s.p. amplitude relative to the change in presynaptic spike AH was quantitatively close to the change produced by increasing [K]0, suggesting that the reduction in e.p.s.p. amplitude is due to the accumulation of extracellular K at the presynaptic terminal. 6. Repetitive stimulation of the presynaptic axon reduced the amplitudes of the e.p.s.p. and the presynaptic spike AH. On the average, a 1 mV change in presynaptic spike AH was accompanied by a 204% change in e.p.s.p. amplitude, suggesting that K accumulation may only contribute to a small extent, under these conditions, to the depression of transmitter release.
机译:1.研究了鱿鱼巨突触中突触前末端和突触后轴突的细胞内记录,研究了胞外钾浓度[K] 0的变化对突触传递的影响。 2.突触前尖峰和e.p.s.p的幅度。与[K] 0成反比。平均而言,尖峰高度变化10 mV,e.p.s.p。变化3-1 mV。振幅。 3.超极化后突触前尖峰的幅度与[K] 0成反比。平均而言,增加[K] 0会导致e.p.s.p的变化为20%。突触前峰值AH中每mV变化的幅度。 4.对突触后巨轴突的重复抗病刺激,导致突触后突峰AH呈指数下降,突触前膜电位去极化以及突触前突峰AH降低。这表明积累在突触后轴突周围细胞外空间中的钾也影响突触前末端。 5.对突触后轴突的反复抗皮肤刺激导致e.p.s.p.s振幅的减小。由突触前轴突的刺激引起。 e.p.s.p.的减少相对于突触前突峰AH的变化幅度在数量上接近[K] 0增加所产生的变化,表明e.p.s.p.的降低。振幅是由于突触前末端细胞外钾的积累。 6.重复刺激突触前轴突降低了e.p.s.p的幅度。和突触前尖峰AH。平均而言,突触前突波AH的变化为1 mV,而e.p.s.p.的变化为204%。振幅,表明在这些条件下,K积累可能仅在很小程度上有助于降低发射器的释放。



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