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STEM Faculty as Learners in Pedagogical Reform and the Role of Research Articles as Professional Development Opportunities




Discipline-based education research (DBER) publications are opportunities for professional development around science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education reform. Learning theory tells us these publications could be more impactful if authors, reviewers, and editors pay greater attention to linking principles and practice. This approach, which considers faculty as learners and STEM education reform as content, has the potential to better support faculty members because it promotes a deeper understanding of the reasons why a pedagogical change is effective. This depth of understanding is necessary for faculty members to successfully transfer new knowledge to their own contexts. A challenge ahead for the emergent learning sciences is to better integrate findings from across sister disciplines; DBER reports can take a step in that direction while improving their usefulness for instructors.
机译:基于学科的教育研究(DBER)出版物为围绕科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)教育改革的专业发展提供了机会。学习理论告诉我们,如果作者,审稿人和编辑更关注链接原则和实践,这些出版物可能会产生更大的影响。这种以教师为学习者,STEM教育改革为内容的方法具有潜力,可以更好地支持教师,因为它可以促进对教学改革有效的原因的更深入的了解。这种理解的深度对于教职员工成功地将新知识转移到他们自己的环境是必要的。新兴学习科学面临的挑战是如何更好地整合跨学科学科的研究结果。 DBER报告可以朝这个方向迈出一步,同时提高其对讲师的有用性。



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