首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>World Journal of Gastroenterology >Hepatic actinomycosis: Report of one case and analysis of 32 previously reported cases

Hepatic actinomycosis: Report of one case and analysis of 32 previously reported cases




Hepatic actinomycosis is rare, with few published cases. There are no characteristic clinical manifestations, and computed tomography (CT) shows mainly low-density images, making clinical diagnosis difficult, and leading to frequent misdiagnosis as primary liver cancer, metastatic liver cancer or liver abscess. Diagnosis normally requires examination of both the aetiology and pathology. This article reports one male patient aged 55 who was hospitalized because of repeated upper abdominal pain for more than 2 mo. He exhibited no chills, fever or yellow staining of the skin and sclera, and examination revealed no positive signs. The routine blood results were: haemoglobin 110 g/L, normal numbers of leukocytes and neutral leukocytes, serum albumin 32 g/L, negative serum hepatitis B markers and hepatitis C antibodies, normal tumour markers (alpha-fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen). An abdominal CT scan revealed an 11.2 cm × 5.8 cm × 7.4 cm mass with an unclear edge in the left liver lobe. The patient was diagnosed as having primary liver cancer, and left lobe resection was performed. The postoperative pathological examination found multifocal actinomycetes in the hepatic parenchyma, which was accompanied by chronic suppurative inflammation. A focal abscess had formed, and large doses of sodium penicillin were administered postoperatively as anti-infective therapy. This article also reviews 32 cases reported in the English literature, with the aim of determining the clinical features and treatment characteristics of this disease, and providing a reference for its diagnosis and treatment.
机译:肝放线菌病很少见,已发表的病例很少。没有特征性的临床表现,计算机断层扫描(CT)主要显示低密度图像,使临床诊断困难,并导致频繁的误诊为原发性肝癌,转移性肝癌或肝脓肿。诊断通常需要检查病因和病理。本文报道了一名55岁的男性患者,该患者因反复出现上腹部疼痛超过2个月而住院。他没有表现出发冷,发烧或皮肤和巩膜发黄的迹象,检查没有发现阳性迹象。常规血液检查结果为:血红蛋白110 g / L,白细胞和中性白细胞正常,血清白蛋白32 g / L,血清乙型肝炎标记和丙型肝炎抗体阴性,正常肿瘤标记(甲胎蛋白和癌胚抗原)。腹部CT扫描显示11.2 cm×5.8 cm×7.4 cm肿块,左肝叶边缘不清晰。该患者被诊断患有原发性肝癌,并进行了左叶切除术。术后病理检查发现肝实质内有多灶性放线菌,并伴有慢性化脓性炎症。形成局部脓肿,术后大量服用青霉素钠作为抗感染治疗。本文还回顾了英文文献中报道的32例病例,旨在确定该疾病的临床特征和治疗特征,并为其诊断和治疗提供参考。



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