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IgY Technology: Extraction of Chicken Antibodies from Egg Yolk by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Precipitation




Hens can be immunized by means of i.m. vaccination (Musculus pectoralis, left and right, injection volume 0.5-1.0 ml) or by means of Gene-Gun plasmid-immunization. Dependent on the immunogenicity of the antigen, high antibody-titres (up to 1:100,000 - 1:1,000,000) can be achieved after only one or 3 - 4 boost immunizations. Normally, a hen lays eggs continuously for about 72 weeks, thereafter the laying capacity decreases. This protocol describes the extraction of total IgY from egg yolk by means of a precipitation procedure (PEG. Polson et al. 1980). The method involves two important steps. The first one is the removal of lipids and the second is the precipitation of total IgY from the supernatant of step one. After dialysis against a buffer (normally PBS) the IgY-extract can be stored at -20°C for more than a year. The purity of the extract is around 80 %, the total IgY per egg varies from 40-80 mg, dependent on the age of the laying hen. The total IgY content increases with the age of the hen from around 40 mg/egg up to 80 mg/egg (concerning PEG precipitation). The laying capacity of a hen per year is around 325 eggs. That means a total potential harvest of 20 g total IgY/year based on a mean IgY content of 60 mg total IgY/egg (see Table 1).
机译:母鸡可以通过i.m.疫苗接种(胸大肌,左右,注射量0.5-1.0 ml)或通过Gene-Gun质粒免疫。根据抗原的免疫原性,仅进行一次或3-4次加强免疫后,即可获得高抗体滴度(最高为1:100,000-1:1,000,000)。通常,母鸡连续产卵约72周,此后产蛋量下降。该方案描述了通过沉淀方法从蛋黄中提取总IgY的方法(PEG。Polson et al。1980)。该方法涉及两个重要步骤。第一个是脂质的去除,第二个是步骤一的上清液中总IgY的沉淀。用缓冲液(通常为PBS)透析后,IgY提取物可在-20°C下保存一年以上。提取物的纯度约为80%,每个鸡蛋的总IgY范围为40-80 mg,具体取决于蛋鸡的年龄。随着母鸡年龄的增长,总的IgY含量从40 mg / egg增加到80 mg / egg(关于PEG沉淀)。母鸡每年的产蛋量约为325个鸡蛋。这意味着基于60 mg总IgY /鸡蛋的平均IgY含量,每年潜在总收获量为20 g IgY(参见表1)。



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