
Magnetic fields produced by steady currents in the body.




The magnetic fields produced by naturally occurring steady currents in the body were measured by using a new magnetic gradiometer in a magnetically shielded room. A field of 0.1 micro G/cm with reproducible pattern was seen over the head and over the limbs, whereas the field over the torso proper was weaker (except over the abdomen). Most of the field over the head is produced by electrical sources associated with the hair follicles of the scalp; this field is produced only as a response to touching or pressing the scalp, in regions where the hair is dense. Most of the field over the limbs is produced by electrical sources associated with the muscles. The field over the forearm, studied in detail, was often present spontaneously; when absent, it could be induced by mild twisting and rubbing. On the basis of auxiliary experiments involving electrolytes, a general mechanism for generation of steady current in the body is suggested. In this mechanism, the steady current is generated by a nonclosed or a nonuniform polarized layer across an elongated semipermeable membrane such as a muscle fiber; the nonuniform polarization is due to a gradient of extracellular K+ along the membrane.
机译:人体中自然产生的稳定电流产生的磁场是通过在磁屏蔽室内使用新型磁梯度仪测量的。在头和四肢上可见到0.1 micro G / cm的可重复图案的视野,而在躯干上的视野较弱(腹部除外)。头顶上的大部分磁场是由与头皮毛囊相关的电源产生的。在头发浓密的区域中,此字段仅作为对触摸或按压头皮的响应而产生。肢体上的大部分磁场是由与肌肉相关的电源产生的。经过详细研究的前臂区域通常是自发出现的。如果不存在,可能是由于轻微的扭曲和摩擦引起的。根据涉及电解质的辅助实验,提出了在体内产生稳定电流的一般机理。在这种机制中,稳定电流是由跨过细长半透膜(例如肌纤维)的不闭合或不均匀的极化层产生的;极化不均匀是由于细胞外K +沿着膜的梯度。



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