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Zika virus infection at mid-gestation results in fetal cerebral cortical injury and fetal death in the olive baboon




Zika virus (ZIKV) infection during pregnancy in humans is associated with an increased incidence of congenital anomalies including microcephaly as well as fetal death and miscarriage and collectively has been referred to as Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). Animal models for ZIKV infection in pregnancy have been developed including mice and non-human primates (NHPs). In macaques, fetal CZS outcomes from maternal ZIKV infection range from none to significant. In the present study we develop the olive baboon (Papio anubis), as a model for vertical transfer of ZIKV during pregnancy. Four mid-gestation, timed-pregnant baboons were inoculated with the French Polynesian ZIKV isolate (104 ffu). This study specifically focused on the acute phase of vertical transfer. Dams were terminated at 7 days post infection (dpi; n = 1), 14 dpi (n = 2) and 21 dpi (n = 1). All dams exhibited mild to moderate rash and conjunctivitis. Viremia peaked at 5–7 dpi with only one of three dams remaining mildly viremic at 14 dpi. An anti-ZIKV IgM response was observed by 14 dpi in all three dams studied to this stage, and two dams developed a neutralizing IgG response by either 14 dpi or 21 dpi, the latter included transfer of the IgG to the fetus (cord blood). A systemic inflammatory response (increased IL2, IL6, IL7, IL15, IL16) was observed in three of four dams. Vertical transfer of ZIKV to the placenta was observed in three pregnancies (n = 2 at 14 dpi and n = 1 at 21 dpi) and ZIKV was detected in fetal tissues in two pregnancies: one associated with fetal death at ~14 dpi, and the other in a viable fetus at 21 dpi. ZIKV RNA was detected in the fetal cerebral cortex and other tissues of both of these fetuses. In the fetus studied at 21 dpi with vertical transfer of virus to the CNS, the frontal cerebral cortex exhibited notable defects in radial glia, radial glial fibers, disorganized migration of immature neurons to the cortical layers, and signs of pathology in immature oligodendrocytes. In addition, indices of pronounced neuroinflammation were observed including astrogliosis, increased microglia and IL6 expression. Of interest, in one fetus examined at 14 dpi without detection of ZIKV RNA in brain and other fetal tissues, increased neuroinflammation (IL6 and microglia) was observed in the cortex. Although the placenta of the 14 dpi dam with fetal death showed considerable pathology, only minor pathology was noted in the other three placentas. ZIKV was detected immunohistochemically in two placentas (14 dpi) and one placenta at 21 dpi but not at 7 dpi. This is the first study to examine the early events of vertical transfer of ZIKV in a NHP infected at mid-gestation. The baboon thus represents an additional NHP as a model for ZIKV induced brain pathologies to contrast and compare to humans as well as other NHPs.
机译:人类妊娠期间的寨卡病毒(ZIKV)感染与包括小头畸形以及胎儿死亡和流产在内的先天性异常发生率增加相关,统称为先天性寨卡综合症(CZS)。已经开发出妊娠期ZIKV感染的动物模型,包括小鼠和非人类灵长类动物(NHP)。在猕猴中,来自孕妇ZIKV感染的胎儿CZS结果从无到显着。在本研究中,我们开发了橄榄狒狒(Papio anubis),作为妊娠期ZIKV垂直转移的模型。用法属波利尼西亚ZIKV分离株(10 4 ffu)接种了四个妊娠中期,定时怀孕的狒狒。这项研究专门针对垂直转移的急性期。在感染后第7天(dpi; n = 1),14 dpi(n = 2)和21 dpi(n = 1)终止水坝。所有水坝均表现出轻度至中度的皮疹和结膜炎。病毒血症在5–7 dpi达到峰值,只有三个水坝之一在14 dpi时仍保持轻度病毒血症。在此阶段研究的所有三个母鼠中,通过14 dpi观察到抗ZIKV IgM反应,两个母鼠通过14 dpi或21 dpi产生了中和性IgG应答,后者包括将IgG转移至胎儿(脐带血) 。在四个水坝中的三个水坝中观察到全身性炎症反应(IL2,IL6,IL7,IL15,IL16升高)。在三个怀孕中观察到ZIKV垂直转移到胎盘(在14 dpi时n = 2,在21 dpi时n = 1),并且在两次怀孕的胎儿组织中检测到ZIKV:一种与〜14 dpi时的胎儿死亡有关,另一只在21 dpi的可行胎儿中存活。在这两个胎儿的胎儿大脑皮层和其他组织中均检测到ZIKV RNA。在以21 dpi的速度进行病毒垂直转移至CNS的胎儿中,额叶大脑皮层在径向神经胶质,径向神经胶质纤维,未成熟神经元向皮层的无序迁移以及未成熟少突胶质细胞的病理征象方面表现出明显缺陷。此外,观察到明显的神经炎症指标,包括星形胶质细胞增多症,小胶质细胞增多和IL6表达。有趣的是,在以14 dpi检查的一只胎儿中,未在大脑和其他胎儿组织中检测到ZIKV RNA,在皮质中观察到神经炎症增加(IL6和小胶质细胞)。尽管14 dpi大坝中有胎儿死亡的胎盘显示出可观的病理,但在其他三个胎盘中仅发现轻微的病理。在两个胎盘(14 dpi)和一个胎盘中以21 dpi而不是7 dpi免疫组化检测到ZIKV。这是第一个研究ZIKV在妊娠中期感染的NHP中垂直转移的早期事件的研究。因此,狒狒代表了一个额外的NHP,作为ZIKV诱发的脑部病理模型,可以与人类以及其他NHP进行对比和比较。



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