首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >Mucosal and Parenteral Vaccination against Acute and Latent Murine Cytomegalovirus (MCMV) Infection by Using an Attenuated MCMV Mutant

Mucosal and Parenteral Vaccination against Acute and Latent Murine Cytomegalovirus (MCMV) Infection by Using an Attenuated MCMV Mutant




We used a live attenuated murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) mutant to analyze mechanisms of vaccination against acute and latent CMV infection. We selected MCMV mutant RV7 as a vaccine candidate since this virus grows well in tissue culture but is profoundly attenuated for growth in normal and severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice (V. J. Cavanaugh et al., J. Virol. 70:1365–1374, 1996). BALB/c mice were immunized twice (0 and 14 days) subcutaneously (s.c.) with tissue culture-passaged RV7 and then challenged with salivary gland-passaged wild-type MCMV (sgMCMV) intraperitoneally (i.p.) on day 28. RV7 vaccination protected mice against challenge with 105 PFU of sgMCMV, a dose that killed 100% of mock-vaccinated mice. RV7 vaccination reduced MCMV replication 100- to 500-fold in the spleen between 1 and 8 days after challenge. We used the capacity to control replication of MCMV in the spleen 4 days after challenge as a surrogate for protection. Protection was antigen specific and required both live RV7 and antigen-specific lymphocytes. Interestingly, RV7 was effective when administered s.c., i.p., perorally, intranasally, and intragastrically, demonstrating that attenuated CMV applied to mucosal surfaces can elicit protection against parenteral virus challenge. B cells and immunoglobulin G were not essential for RV7-induced immunity since B-cell-deficient mice were effectively vaccinated by RV7. CD8 T cells, but not CD4 T cells, were critical for RV7-induced protection. Depletion of CD8 T cells by passive transfer of monoclonal anti-CD8 (but not anti-CD4) antibody abrogated RV7-mediated protection, and RV7 vaccination was less efficient in CD8 T-cell-deficient mice with a targeted mutation in the β2-microglobulin gene. Although gamma interferon is important for innate resistance to MCMV, it was not essential for RV7 vaccination since gamma interferon receptor-deficient mice were protected by RV7 vaccination. Establishment of and/or reactivation from latency by sgMCMV was decreased by RV7 vaccination, as measured by diminished reactivation of MCMV from splenic explants. We found no evidence for establishment of splenic latency by RV7 after s.c. vaccination. We conclude that RV7 administered through both systemic and mucosal routes is an effective vaccine against MCMV infection. It may be possible to design human CMV vaccines with similar properties.
机译:我们使用减毒活鼠巨细胞病毒(MCMV)突变体来分析针对急性和潜伏性CMV感染的疫苗接种机制。我们选择MCMV突变株RV7作为候选疫苗,因为该病毒在组织培养中生长良好,但在正常和严重的联合免疫缺陷(SCID)小鼠中却被大大减毒(VJ Cavanaugh等,J。Virol。70:1365–1374, 1996)。用组织培养传代的RV7皮下(sc)对BALB / c小鼠进行两次免疫接种(0和14天),然后在第28天腹膜内(ip)用唾液腺传播的野生型MCMV(sgMCMV)攻击。RV7疫苗接种保护了小鼠对抗10 5 PFU sgMCMV的攻击,该剂量杀死了100%模拟接种的小鼠。攻击后1到8天之间,RV7疫苗接种使MCMV复制减少了100到500倍。在攻击后4天,我们使用能力控制脾脏中MCMV的复制,作为保护的替代物。保护是抗原特异性的,并且需要活RV7和抗原特异性淋巴细胞。有趣的是,当经皮内,腹膜内,鼻内和胃内给药时,RV7是有效的,这表明施加于粘膜表面的减毒CMV可以引起针对肠胃外病毒攻击的保护。 B细胞和免疫球蛋白G并不是RV7诱导的免疫所必需的,因为B细胞缺陷小鼠可以通过RV7有效地接种疫苗。 CD8 T细胞而不是CD4 T细胞对于RV7诱导的保护至关重要。通过单克隆抗CD8(而非抗CD4)抗体的被动转移来耗尽CD8 T细胞,从而废除了RV7介导的保护作用,并且在具有针对性β2-微球蛋白突变的CD8 T细胞缺陷小鼠中,RV7疫苗接种的效率较低。基因。尽管伽玛干扰素对于MCMV的固有抵抗力很重要,但对于RV7疫苗接种来说并不是必需的,因为伽玛干扰素受体缺陷型小鼠受到RV7疫苗保护。 sgMCMV通过潜伏期疫苗接种减少了sgMCMV建立潜伏期和/或从潜伏期重新激活,这通过减少脾脏外植体对MCMV的重新激活来衡量。我们发现没有证据表明在s.c.之后RV7可建立脾潜伏期。疫苗接种。我们得出结论,通过全身和粘膜途径给药的RV7是抗MCMV感染的有效疫苗。设计具有相似特性的人CMV疫苗是可能的。



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