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Fast-track surgical referral in a population displaced by war and conflict

机译:因战争和流离失所而流离失所的人口的快速手术转诊 冲突



After the 1988-1994 conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, fought over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, large numbers of people were resettled in camps in southern Azerbaijan. Healthcare in the camps was generally good but there was no access to hospitals. The Leonard Cheshire Centre of Conflict Recovery (LCC) organized a ‘fast-track’ system of surgical care in the southern camps by securing the help of still-functioning hospitals in the distant capital, Baku. Regular clinics were held in the camps for visiting specialists; and, by arrangement with the Government of Azerbaijan and various non-governmental organizations, treatment was offered to those who fell within strict selection criteria. After a pilot study yielded clear benefits, the scheme was transferred to a local non-governmental organization, which successfully operated an expanded version.The hidden cost of war often includes the neglect of chronic medical conditions that require secondary and tertiary care. The ‘fast-track’ system illustrates the potential of existing facilities to meet these needs at modest cost, given sufficient support.
机译:1988-1994年亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆之间的冲突在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫领土上发生争执之后,大量人被安置在阿塞拜疆南部的难民营中。营地的医疗服务总体上不错,但没有医院。伦纳德·柴郡冲突恢复中心(LCC)通过在遥远的首都巴库仍在运转的医院的帮助下,在南部难民营中组织了“快速”外科手术护理系统。在营地内设有定期诊所,供来访专家使用;通过与阿塞拜疆政府和各种非政府组织的安排,向符合严格甄选标准的人提供了待遇。在进行了初步研究并取得了明显的收益之后,该计划被转移到了当地的一个非政府组织,该组织成功地运行了扩展版本。战争的隐性成本通常包括对需要二级和三级护理的慢性病的忽视。 “快速通道”系统说明了现有设备在足够支持下以适度的成本满足这些需求的潜力。



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