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Stem Cell Biomarkers in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia




Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal multi-step myeloproliferative disease that is initially produced and ultimately sustained by a rare subpopulation of BCR-ABL+ cells with multi-lineage stem cell properties. These BCR-ABL+ CML stem cells are phenotypically similar to normal hematopoietic stem cells which are also maintained throughout the course of the disease at varying levels in different patients. Defining the unique properties of the leukemic stem cells that produce the chronic phase of CML has therefore had to rely heavily on access to samples from rare patients in which the stem cell compartment is dominated by leukemic elements. Here we review past and ongoing approaches using such samples to identify biologically and clinically relevant biomarkers of BCR-ABL+ stem cells that explain their unusual biology and that may help to design, or at least predict, improved treatment responses in CML patients. These studies are of particular interest in light of recent evidence that chronic phase CML stem cells are not only innately resistant to imatinib mesylate and other drugs that target the BCR-ABL oncoprotein, but are also genetically unstable.
机译:慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)是一种多步骤克隆性骨髓增生性疾病,最初是由具有多系干细胞特性的BCR-ABL + 细胞的罕见亚群产生并最终维持。这些BCR-ABL + CML干细胞在表型上与正常的造血干细胞相似,它们在整个疾病过程中在不同患者中的维持水平也不同。因此,要确定产生CML慢性期的白血病干细胞的独特特性,就不得不严重依赖于罕见患者的样本,而在这些患者中,干细胞区室以白血病成分为主导。在这里,我们回顾了使用此类样品鉴定BCR-ABL + 干细胞的生物学和临床相关生物标志物的过去和正在进行的方法,这些标志物可解释其异常生物学特性,并可能有助于设计或至少预测改善的治疗方法CML患者的反应。鉴于最近的证据表明,慢性CML干细胞不仅固有地对甲磺酸伊马替尼和其他靶向BCR-ABL癌蛋白的药物具有天生的抵抗力,而且在遗传上也是不稳定的,因此这些研究特别受关注。



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