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Malaria Policy Advisory Committee to the WHO: conclusions and recommendations of March 2013 meeting




The Malaria Policy Advisory Committee to the World Health Organization met in Geneva, Switzerland from 13 to 15 March, 2013. This article provides a summary of the discussions, conclusions and recommendations from that meeting.Meeting sessions included: a review of the efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy in Guyana and Suriname; the outcomes from a consultation on non-malaria febrile illness; the outcomes from the second meeting of the Evidence Review Group on malaria burden estimation; an update on the review of the WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria; an update regarding progress on the constitution of the vector control Technical Expert Group; updates on the RTS, S/AS01 vaccine and the malaria vaccine technology roadmap; financing and resource allocation for malaria control; malaria surveillance and the need for a surveillance, monitoring and evaluation Technical Expert Group; criteria and classification related to malaria elimination; the next meeting of the Evidence Review Group on Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy; an update on the soon-to-be launched Elimination Scenario Planning Tool; and an update on the process for the Global Technical Strategy for Malaria Control and Elimination (2016–2025).Policy statements, position statements, and guidelines that arise from the MPAC meeting conclusions and recommendations will be formally issued and disseminated to World Health Organization Member States by the World Health Organization Global Malaria Programme.
机译:世界卫生组织疟疾政策咨询委员会于2013年3月13日至15日在瑞士日内瓦举行了会议。本文提供了该次会议的讨论,结论和建议的摘要。会议内容包括:对青蒿素的功效进行回顾圭亚那和苏里南基于基础的联合治疗;非疟疾高热病咨询的结果;证据审查小组关于疟疾负担估算的第二次会议的结果;关于世卫组织《疟疾治疗准则》的审查的最新情况;关于病媒控制技术专家组组成进展的最新信息; RTS,S / AS01疫苗和疟疾疫苗技术路线图的更新;防治疟疾的资金和资源分配;疟疾监测以及监测,监测和评估技术专家组的必要性;与消除疟疾有关的标准和分类;妊娠间歇性预防治疗证据审查小组的下次会议;即将推出的消除方案规划工具的更新; MPAC会议结论和建议产生的政策声明,立场声明和指南将正式发布并分发给世界卫生组织成员。由世界卫生组织的全球疟疾规划。



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