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Multiple Genetic Mechanisms Lead to Loss of Functional TbAT1 Expression in Drug-Resistant Trypanosomes




The P2 aminopurine transporter, encoded by TbAT1 in African trypanosomes in the Trypanosoma brucei group, carries melaminophenyl arsenical and diamidine drugs into these parasites. Loss of this transporter contributes to drug resistance. We identified the genomic location of TbAT1 to be in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 5 and determined the status of the TbAT1 gene in two trypanosome lines selected for resistance to the melaminophenyl arsenical, melarsamine hydrochloride (Cymelarsan), and in a Trypanosoma equiperdum clone selected for resistance to the diamidine, diminazene aceturate. In the Trypanosoma brucei gambiense STIB 386 melarsamine hydrochloride-resistant line, TbAT1 is deleted, while in the Trypanosoma brucei brucei STIB 247 melarsamine hydrochloride-resistant and T. equiperdum diminazene-resistant lines, TbAT1 is present, but expression at the RNA level is no longer detectable. Further characterization of TbAT1 in T. equiperdum revealed that a loss of heterozygosity at the TbAT1 locus accompanied loss of expression and that P2-mediated uptake of [3H]diminazene is lost in drug-resistant T. equiperdum. Adenine-inhibitable adenosine uptake is still detectable in a ΔTbat1 T. b. brucei mutant, although at a greatly reduced capacity compared to that of the wild type, indicating that an additional adenine-inhibitable adenosine permease, distinct from P2, is present in these cells.
机译:P2氨基嘌呤转运蛋白由布氏锥虫组的非洲锥虫中的TbAT1编码,可将三聚氨基苯酚砷和二drugs药物带入这些寄生虫中。该转运蛋白的丧失导致耐药性。我们确定了TbAT1的基因组位置位于5号染色体的亚端粒区域,并确定了在两个针对三聚氰胺苯基砷,耐美拉敏的盐酸盐(Cymelarsan)所选择的锥虫系中的TbAT1基因的状态,以及针对耐二am,醋酸二咪唑。在布鲁氏冈比亚锥虫STIB 386耐盐酸美拉敏的品系中,删除了TbAT1,而在锥虫布鲁氏杆菌STIB 247耐盐酸美拉敏和耐锥虫对二咪唑的品系中存在TbAT1,但在RNA水平无表达。可检测的时间更长。对马齿T的TbAT1的进一步表征表明,在TbAT1位点杂合性的丧失伴随表达的丧失,在耐药的马齿。中损失了P2介导的[ 3 H] diminazene的摄取。 。仍可在ΔTbat1 T“中检测到腺嘌呤抑制性腺苷摄取。 b。 brucei 突变体虽然与野生型相比具有大大降低的能力,但这表明在这些细胞中还存在一个不同于P2的腺嘌呤抑制性腺苷通透酶。



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