首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience >Increased Entorhinal–Prefrontal Theta Synchronization Parallels Decreased Entorhinal–Hippocampal Theta Synchronization during Learning and Consolidation of Associative Memory

Increased Entorhinal–Prefrontal Theta Synchronization Parallels Decreased Entorhinal–Hippocampal Theta Synchronization during Learning and Consolidation of Associative Memory




Memories are thought to be encoded as a distributed representation in the neocortex. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been shown to support the expression of memories that initially depend on the hippocampus (HPC), yet the mechanisms by which the HPC and mPFC access the distributed representations in the neocortex are unknown. By measuring phase synchronization of local field potential (LFP) oscillations, we found that learning initiated changes in neuronal communication of the HPC and mPFC with the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), an area that is connected with many other neocortical regions. LFPs were recorded simultaneously from the three brain regions while rats formed an association between an auditory stimulus (CS) and eyelid stimulation (US) in a trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm, as well as during retention 1 month following learning. Over the course of learning, theta oscillations in the LEC and mPFC became strongly synchronized following presentation of the CS on trials in which rats exhibited a conditioned response (CR), and this strengthened synchronization was also observed during remote retention. In contrast, CS-evoked theta synchronization between the LEC and HPC decreased with learning. Our results suggest that communication between the LEC and mPFC are strengthened with learning whereas the communication between the LEC and HPC are concomitantly weakened, suggesting that enhanced LEC–mPFC communication may be a neuronal correlate for theoretically proposed neocortical reorganization accompanying encoding and consolidation of a memory.
机译:人们认为记忆被编码为新皮质中的分布式表示。已经显示内侧前额叶皮层(mPFC)支持最初依赖于海马(HPC)的记忆表达,但是HPC和mPFC通过其访问新皮层中的分布式表示的机制尚不清楚。通过测量局部场电位(LFP)振荡的相位同步,我们发现学习启动了HPC和mPFC与外侧内嗅皮层(LEC)的神经元通信的变化,该区域与许多其他新皮层区域相连。在三个大脑区域同时记录了LFP,而大鼠在微量眨眼条件下以及在学习后的1个月内形成了听觉刺激(CS)和眼睑刺激(US)之间的关联。在学习过程中,在大鼠表现出条件反应(CR)的试验中出现CS后,LEC和mPFC中的θ振荡变得高度同步,并且在远程保留期间也观察到这种增强的同步。相反,随着学习,在LEC和HPC之间由CS引起的θ同步降低。我们的结果表明,学习会增强LEC和mPFC之间的交流,而与此同时,LEC和HPC之间的交流也会减弱,这表明增强的LEC–mPFC交流可能是理论上建议的伴随编码和巩固记忆的新皮质重组的神经元相关性。 。



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