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Chorthippus parallelus and Wolbachia: Overlapping Orthopteroid and Bacterial Hybrid Zones




Wolbachia is a well-known endosymbiotic, strictly cytoplasmic bacterium. It establishes complex cytonuclear relations that are not necessarily deleterious to its host, but that often result in reproductive alterations favoring bacterial transmission. Among these alterations, a common one is the cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) that reduces the number of descendants in certain crosses between infected and non-infected individuals. This CI induced by Wolbachia appears in the hybrid zone that the grasshoppers Chorthippus parallelus parallelus (Cpp) and C. p. erythropus (Cpe) form in the Pyrenees: a reputed model in evolutionary biology. However, this cytonuclear incompatibility is the result of sophisticated processes of the co-divergence of the genomes of the bacterial strains and the host after generations of selection and coevolution. Here we show how these genome conflicts have resulted in a finely tuned adjustment of the bacterial strain to each pure orthopteroid taxon, and the striking appearance of another, newly identified recombinant Wolbachia strain that only occurs in hybrid grasshoppers. We propose the existence of two superimposed hybrid zones: one organized by the grasshoppers, which overlaps with a second, bacterial hybrid zone. The two hybrid zones counterbalance one another and have evolved together since the origin of the grasshopper's hybrid zone.
机译:沃尔巴氏菌是一种众所周知的内共生菌,严格来说是胞质细菌。它建立了复杂的细胞核关系,这些关系不一定对其宿主有害,但通常会导致繁殖改变,有利于细菌传播。在这些变化中,一种常见的变化是细胞质不相容性(CI),它减少了受感染和未感染个体之间某些杂交的后代数量。由Wolbachia诱导的CI出现在蝗虫Chorthippus parallelus parallelus(Cpp)和C. p。比利牛斯山脉中的erythropus(Cpe)形式:进化生物学中的著名模型。然而,这种细胞核不相容性是经过一代又一代的选择和共同进化后,细菌菌株和宿主基因组共同发散的复杂过程的结果。在这里,我们展示了这些基因组冲突如何导致细菌菌株对每种纯正翅类类群的微调,以及另一种新发现的仅在杂种蚱newly中出现的重组沃尔巴克菌菌株的惊人外观。我们建议存在两个叠加的杂交区:一个由蝗虫组织,与另一个细菌杂交区重叠。自从蚱hopper的杂种区起源以来,这两个杂种区便相互抵消并共同发展。



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