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Pseudotumor Cerebri and Glymphatic Dysfunction




In contrast to virtually all organ systems of the body, the central nervous system was until recently believed to be devoid of a lymphatic system. The demonstration of a complex system of paravascular channels formed by the endfeet of astroglial cells ultimately draining into the venous sinuses has radically changed this idea. The system is subsidized by the recirculation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the brain parenchyma along paravascular spaces (PVSs) and by exchanges with the interstitial fluid (IF). Aquaporin-4 channels are the chief transporters of water through these compartments. This article hypothesizes that glymphatic dysfunction is a major pathogenetic mechanism underpinning idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). The rationale for the hypothesis springs from MRI studies, which have shown many signs related to IIH without evidence of overproduction of CSF. We propose that diffuse retention of IF is a direct consequence of an imbalance of glymphatic flow. This imbalance, in turn, may result from an augmented flow from the arterial PVS into the IF, by impaired outflow of the IF into the paravenous spaces, or both. Our hypothesis is supported by the facts that (i) visual loss, one of the main complications of IIH, is secondary to the impaired drainage of the optic nerve, a nerve richly surrounded by water channels and with a long extracranial course in its meningeal sheath; (ii) there is a high association between IIH and obesity, a condition related to paravascular inflammation and lymphatic disturbance, and (iii) glymphatic dysfunction has been related to the deposition of β-amyloid in Alzheimer’s disease. We conclude that the concept of glymphatic dysfunction provides a new perspective for understanding the pathophysiology of IIH; it may likewise entice the development of novel therapeutic approaches aiming at enhancing the flow between the CSF, the glymphatic system, and the dural sinuses.
机译:与人体的几乎所有器官系统相反,中枢神经系统直到最近才被认为没有淋巴系统。由星形胶质细胞的终末脚最终排入静脉窦形成的血管旁通道的复杂系统的演示,从根本上改变了这个想法。该系统由脑脊液(CSF)通过脑实质沿血管旁间隙(PVSs)再循环和与间质液(IF)交换而得到补贴。 Aquaporin-4通道是水通过这些隔室的主要转运体。本文假设,淋巴功能障碍是特发性颅内高压(IIH)的主要发病机制。该假设的基本原理来自MRI研究,该研究显示了许多与IIH相关的迹象,而没有CSF过量产生的证据。我们建议,IF的弥散性保留是淋巴流动不平衡的直接结果。反过来,这种不平衡可能是由于从动脉PVS流入IF的流量增加,IF流入静脉内间隙的功能受损或两者兼而有之。我们的假设得到以下事实的支持:(i)视力丧失是IIH的主要并发症之一,是继发于视神经引流受损,视神经充斥水通道,脑膜鞘长颅外过程的继发性疾病; (ii)IIH与肥胖之间存在高度相关性,肥胖与血管旁炎症和淋巴紊乱有关;(iii)淋巴功能障碍与阿尔茨海默氏病中的β-淀粉样蛋白沉积有关。我们得出的结论是,淋巴功能障碍的概念为理解IIH的病理生理学提供了新的视角。它可能同样会吸引旨在提高脑脊液,淋巴系统和硬脑膜窦之间流量的新型治疗方法的开发。



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