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Seroepidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infectionand hepatitis A in a rural area: evidence against a common mode oftransmission




Background and aims—Recent studies have shown that the age-specific seroprevalence of H pylori infection parallels hepatitis A (HAV), suggesting similar modes of transmission. The aim of this study was to investigate the seroepidemiology of H pylori and HAV in the same setting.
Patients—A sample of 705 resident subjects (273 men, age range 1-87 years, median 50) who attended the outpatient medical centre of the rural town of Cirò, Southern Italy (11 000 inhabitants) for blood testing were recruited.
Methods—All subjects completed a structured questionnaire. A serum sample was drawn from each subject and assayed for H pylori IgG by a validated in house enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Antibodies to HAV were determined in 466 subjects (163 men, age range 1-87 years, median 49). A measure of agreement between H pylori and HAV seropositivity, the κ statistic, was used.
Results—Overall, 446 (63%) subjects were seropositive for H pylori. Of the 466 subjects screened for both H pylori and HAV, 291 (62%) were seropositive for H pylori and 407 (87%) for HAV. Cross-tabulation of these data showed that 275 (59%) were seropositive and 43 (9%) seronegative for both H pylori and HAV, 16 (3%) were seropositive for H pylori, and 132 (28%) wereseropositive for HAV (OR = 5.6, CI 3 to 10). There was a parallel,weakly correlated (r = 0.287) rise in the seroprevalenceof the two infections with increasing age. However, the agreementbetween H pylori and HAV seropositivity was little betterthan chance (κ = 0.21) and in those aged less than 20 years it wasworse than chance (κ = -0.064). Furthermore, multiplelogistic regression analysis did not show any risk factor shared byboth infections.
Conclusions—The correlation between Hpylori and HAV reflects the age-specific seroprevalence of bothinfections rather than a true association. This studyprovides evidence against a common mode of transmission of Hpylori and HAV.

Keywords:Helicobacter pylori; hepatitis A; serology; epidemiology; faecal-oral transmission
结果-共有446名(63%)受试者的幽门螺杆菌血清阳性。在筛选出的幽门螺杆菌和HAV的466名受试者中,有291名(62%)的幽门螺杆菌血清阳性,而407名(87%)的HAV血清阳性。这些数据的交叉列表显示,对于H幽门螺杆菌和HAV血清反应呈阳性,分别为275(59%)和43(9%)血清阴性,对H幽门螺旋杆菌有16(3%)呈血清阳性,而132(28%)对HAV呈血清反应阳性(OR = 5.6,CI为3至10)。有一个平行血清阳性率呈弱相关(r = 0.287)随年龄增长的两种感染的比例。但是,协议幽门螺杆菌和HAV血清阳性之间的关系稍差比机率(κ= 0.21),而在20岁以下的人群中比机会差(κ= -0.064)。此外,多个Logistic回归分析未显示两种感染。
结论- H之间的相关性幽门螺杆菌和戊型肝炎反映了两者的年龄特异性血清阳性率感染,而不是真正的关联。 提供证据证明 H的常见传播方式幽门螺杆菌和HAV。




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