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A Novel Way of Trans-Septal Splint Suturing Without Nasal Packing for Septoplasty




Nasal packing has evolved over the years. Though effective in preventing postoperative bleeding complications, they are associated with significant morbidity and pain. In recent years nasal splints have been used to reduce the duration of nasal packs. The aim of this study is to compare the postoperative results in 200 nasal surgeries where in nasal packing was replaced by trans-septal splint suturing. Two hundred cases of septoplasties were prospectively studied over a period of 5 years at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences. In 100 cases (group A) nasal packing was done postoperatively whereas in other 100 (group B) trans-septal splint suturing was done. Post operatively patients were followed up in both groups regarding the presence of pain, bleeding, crusting and synechiae for a period of 6 months. Two hundred patients were prospectively studied over a period of 5 years with a male–female ratio of 1.35:1 and the mean age was 31. In group A out of 100 patients followed postoperatively, ten had mild bleeding on second day after pack removal none of which required repacking, 22 patients had mild pain on second and third day, 18 had moderate crusting on day 4, 12 had synechiae after 2 weeks. In group B, out of 100 patients, minimal bleeding was noted in 13 patients on day 1 and 2, mild discomfort was noted in the nose in 34 patients till day 7 (day of splint removal), crusting was noted in six patients, synechiae was noted in one patient. Elimination of pain and discomfort for the patients and absence of complications like synechiae. Also the hospital stay is less than with nasal packing. Therefore, suturing of the nasal septum with a splint after septoplasty should be a preferred alternative to nasal packing.
机译:鼻包装已经发展了多年。尽管可以有效预防术后出血并发症,但它们与明显的发病率和疼痛有关。近年来,鼻夹板已被用于减少鼻包装的持续时间。这项研究的目的是比较200例鼻腔手术的术后结果,其中经鼻中隔夹板缝合代替了鼻腔填充。在Adichunchanagiri医学科学研究所进行了为期5年的前瞻性研究,研究了200例隔膜成形术。 100例(A组)术后进行鼻腔填充,而其他100例(B组)进行经隔隔板缝合。术后对两组患者进行疼痛,出血,结s和粘连的随访,为期6个月。在5年的时间里对200例患者进行了前瞻性研究,男女比例为1.35:1,平均年龄为31岁。在接受随访的100例患者中,A组中有10例在去除包装后的第二天出现轻度出血其中需要重新包装的患者,第二和第三天有22例患者轻度疼痛,第4天有18例中度结s,在2周后有12例发生粘连。在B组中,在100名患者中,第1天和第2天有13例患者出现了少量出血,直到第7天(夹板去除的当天),有34例患者出现了鼻子轻度不适,在6例患者中出现结cru在一名患者中被发现。消除了患者的疼痛和不适,并且没有诸如粘连症的并发症。另外,住院时间少于鼻腔包装。因此,鼻中隔成形术后用夹板缝合鼻中隔应该是鼻填充的首选替代方法。



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