
Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy




Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is of great importance to obstetrician-gynecologists because maternal infection is relatively common and can result in severe injury to the fetus. The greatest risk to the fetus occurs when the mother develops a primary CMV infection in the first trimester. Forty to 50% of infants delivered to mothers with primary CMV infections will have congenital infections. Of these neonates, 5–18% will be overtly symptomatic at birth. Approximately 30% of severely infected infants die, and 80% have severe neurologic morbidity. Eighty-five to 90% of infants will be asymptomatic, and 10–15% of these babies subsequently have sequelae such as visual and auditory defects. If the mother develops a recurrent or reactivated CMV infection during pregnancy, the risk of a severe congenital infection is very low. Perinatal infection, as opposed to congenital infection, may result from exposure to the virus during delivery or lactation and rarely leads to serious sequelae. Antimicrobial therapy and immunotherapy for CMV are, at present, unsatisfactory. Therefore, all patients, pregnant women in particular, must be educated about preventive measures.
机译:巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染对妇产科医生非常重要,因为产妇感染相对较常见,并且可能导致胎儿严重受伤。当母亲在孕早期发展为原发性巨细胞病毒感染时,对胎儿的最大危险发生。分娩给原发性巨细胞病毒感染母亲的婴儿中有40%至50%会患有先天性感染。在这些新生儿中,有5–18%在出生时会明显出现症状。大约30%的严重感染婴儿死亡,并且80%患有严重的神经系统疾病。 85%至90%的婴儿是无症状的,这些婴儿中的10%至15%随后有视觉和听觉缺陷等后遗症。如果母亲在怀孕期间发生反复或重新激活的CMV感染,则严重的先天性感染的风险非常低。与先天性感染不同,围产期感染可能是由于分娩或哺乳期间接触病毒引起的,很少导致严重的后遗症。目前,针对CMV的抗微生物疗法和免疫疗法尚不令人满意。因此,必须对所有患者(尤其是孕妇)进行预防措施的教育。



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