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Insecticidal Properties of Capsaicinoids and Glucosinolates Extracted from Capsicum chinense and Tropaeolum tuberosum




Food security and biodiversity conservation are threatened by the emergence and spread of pest and pathogens, and thus there is a current need to develop pest management strategies that are sustainable and friendly to the environment and human health. Here, we performed laboratory and field bioassays to evaluate the insecticidal effects of several concentrations of capsaicinoids and glucosinolates (separately and mixed) on an aphid pest (Aphis cytisorum). The capsaicinoids were extracted from the fruits of Capsicum chinense and glucosinolates from the tubers of native Andean crop Tropaeolum tuberosum. We found that both capsaicinoids and glucosinolates have a biocidal effect on A. cytisorum, acting within a fairly short time. Under laboratory conditions, the toxicity of the compounds increased in relation to their concentrations, causing a high percentage of mortality (83–99%) when the aphids were exposed to dilutions of 10% capsaicinoids, 75–100% glucosinolates, or a mixture of 10% capsaicinoids and 90% glucosinolates. The mortality of aphids sprayed in the field with 5% capsaicinoids, 50% glucosinolates, or with a mixture of 5% capsaicinoids and 45% glucosinolates reached 87–97%. Results obtained from laboratory and field experiments were consistent. Our results suggest the potential use of bioinsecticides based on capsaicinoids and/or glucosinolates as an effective alternative to synthetic pesticides.
机译:有害生物和病原体的出现和扩散威胁着粮食安全和生物多样性的保护,因此目前需要制定可持续的,对环境和人类健康友好的有害生物管理战略。在这里,我们进行了实验室和现场生物测定,以评估几种浓度的辣椒素和芥子油苷(单独和混合)对蚜虫(Aphis cytisorum)的杀虫效果。辣椒素是从辣椒的果实中提取的,而辣椒是从安第斯天然农作物Tropaeolum tuberosum的块茎中提取的。我们发现,辣椒素和芥子油苷都在短时间内起作用,对环孢曲霉具有杀生物作用。在实验室条件下,化合物的毒性相对于其浓度增加,当将蚜虫暴露于10%辣椒素类,75-100%芥子油苷或以下混合物的稀释液中时,会导致很高的死亡率(83–99%) 10%的辣椒素和90%的芥子油苷。在田间喷洒5%辣椒素,50%芥子油苷或5%辣椒素和45%芥子油苷的蚜虫的死亡率达到87–97%。从实验室和现场实验获得的结果是一致的。我们的结果表明,潜在的使用基于辣椒素和/或芥子油苷的生物杀虫剂作为合成农药的有效替代品。



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