首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine >Synchronous bilateral primary breast malignant phyllodes tumor and carcinoma of the breast with Paget’s disease: a case report and review of the literature

Synchronous bilateral primary breast malignant phyllodes tumor and carcinoma of the breast with Paget’s disease: a case report and review of the literature




Synchronous bilateral primary breast malignant phyllodes tumor or/and carcinoma of the breast with Paget’s disease is rare. In the article, we present a case of bilateral carcinoma of the breast with Paget’s disease of the right breast and malignant phyllodes tumor of the left breast. A 44-years-old Chinese woman presented with a 1 month history of the right breast nipple with eczema and fester and growing and palpable mass of left breast. Molybdenum target X-ray revealed microcalcification in the right breast, which was highly suspected of malignant tumor, and round-like mass with smooth surface and homogeneous density in the left breast. Color ultrasound showed a lobulated lump which circumferential blood flows around in the left breast, and which did not show any mass in the right breast. The patient was undertaken the bilateral modified radical mastectomy. The histological diagnosis was Paget’s disease associated with infiltrating ductal carcinoma in the right breast and malignant phyllodes tumor the left breast. The patient also received 6 cycles of the postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy by using T.T. regimen comprised docetaxel (100 mg) and pirarubicin (60 mg).
机译:罕见的同时发生双侧原发性乳腺恶性叶状体肿瘤或/和患有Paget病的乳腺癌。在本文中,我们介绍了一例双侧乳房癌,右乳房Paget病,左乳房恶性叶状瘤。一名44岁的中国妇女,右乳房乳头有湿疹和溃烂病史,左乳房生长且明显,有一个月的病史。钼靶X射线显示右乳房微钙化,高度怀疑是恶性肿瘤,左乳房呈圆形且表面光滑且密度均匀的肿块。彩色超声检查发现叶状的肿块,左乳周围有周围的血液流动,右乳没有任何肿块。该患者接受了双侧改良根治术。组织学诊断为佩吉特氏病与右乳腺浸润性导管癌相关,左乳腺恶性叶状肿瘤。通过使用包含多西他赛(100 mg)和吡柔比星(60 mg)的T.T.方案,患者还接受了6个周期的术后辅助化疗。



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