首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >A Look at Culture and Stigma of Suicide: Textual Analysis of Community Theatre Performances

A Look at Culture and Stigma of Suicide: Textual Analysis of Community Theatre Performances




Stigma against suicidal ideation and help-seeking is a significant barrier to prevention. Little detail is provided on what types of stigma interfere with help-seeking, how stigma is expressed, and how to reduce it. Five groups of two ethnically diverse community theatre programs were formed to analyze differences in Eastern Montana Caucasian and Native American adolescents and young adults’ experiences with stigma about mental illness and mental health treatment that affect help-seeking for suicidal thoughts and experiences. Over a ten-week period, a grassroots theatre project was used to recruit members from the same population as the audience to write and perform a play on suicide and depression (n = 33; 10 males, 23 females; 12 Native American, 21 Caucasian, ages 14–24). Using textual analysis, the community- and campus-based performance scripts were coded for themes related to stigma. Both ethnic groups reported that stigma is a barrier to expressing emotional vulnerability, seeking help, and acknowledging mental illness. We found that Caucasians’ experiences were more individually oriented and Native Americans’ experiences were more collectively oriented. Understanding the cultural bases of experiences with stigma related to mental health treatment for suicide is necessary to create educational programs to reduce stigma for diverse groups of adolescents and young adults.
机译:对自杀念头和寻求帮助的污名化是预防的重要障碍。关于什么类型的污名会干扰寻求帮助,如何表达污名以及如何减少污名,几乎没有提供任何细节。由五个种族组成的两组,由不同种族的社区戏剧组成,目的是分析蒙大纳州东部的白种人和美国原住民青少年以及年轻人在心理疾病和心理健康治疗方面的耻辱感,这些现象会影响寻求自杀念头和经历的差异。在十周的时间里,草根戏剧项目被用来招募与观众来自同一人群的成员,以撰写和表演自杀和抑郁症的戏剧(n = 33; 10男性,23女性; 12美国原住民,21白种人) ,年龄14-24)。使用文本分析,针对与耻辱相关的主题对基于社区和校园的绩效脚本进行了编码。两个族裔群体都报告说,耻辱是表达情感脆弱性,寻求帮助和承认精神疾病的障碍。我们发现,高加索人的经历更偏向个人,而美洲原住民的经历更偏向集体。了解有关自杀心理治疗的耻辱经历的文化基础对于创建教育计划以减少青少年和年轻人群体的耻辱感是必要的。



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