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Screening of the Maturity Status of the Tibial Tuberosity by Ultrasonography in Higher Elementary School Grade Schoolchildren




This study aimed to obtain screening data on the maturity status of the tibial tuberosity in schoolchildren of higher elementary school grades for risk management of Osgood–Schlatter disease (OSD). The maturity stages and cartilage thicknesses at the tibial tuberosity were determined by ultrasonography on the occasion of a school-based musculoskeletal examination for 124 grade 5–6 elementary schoolchildren, and their associations with the students’ demographic characteristics and OSD were examined. The time-dependent changes of the maturity status of the tibial tuberosity were also examined in grade 5 students (n = 26) by a longitudinal survey. The cross-sectional survey showed that the epiphyseal stage was reached in 89% of girls and 35% of boys. The girls who had experienced menarche (n = 28) were all in the epiphyseal stage and had a decreased cartilage thickness (p = 0.004, after adjusting maturity stages). Students with OSD (n = 5) were all girls in the epiphyseal stage, and only two of them had an increased cartilage thickness. During the longitudinal survey, a marked increase in cartilage thickness from the previous measurement was observed in three boys (without clinical symptoms) and a girl who newly developed OSD. Two students with OSD without chronic pain had thin cartilage. In conclusion, for schoolchildren of higher elementary school grades, the risk of OSD is higher among girls with the epiphyseal stage. Cartilage thickness may not contribute to the diagnosis of OSD, since thick cartilage is not very common in OSD. However, cartilage thickness may reflect the status of OSD.
机译:这项研究旨在获得筛查数据,以了解高中小学一年级学生胫骨结节的成熟状况,以进行Osgood-Schlatter病(OSD)风险管理。胫骨结节的成熟阶段和软骨厚度是在学校对124至5-6年级的小学生进行肌肉骨骼检查时通过超声检查确定的,并检查了它们与学生的人口统计学特征和OSD的关系。还通过纵向调查在5年级学生(n = 26)中检查了胫骨结节成熟状态随时间的变化。横断面调查显示,89骨阶段达到了89%的女孩和35%的男孩。经历过初潮的女孩(n = 28)均处于the骨阶段,软骨厚度降低(在调整成熟阶段后,p = 0.004)。 OSD(n = 5)的学生均为girls骨阶段的女孩,其中只有两个软骨厚度增加。在纵向调查中,观察到三个男孩(无临床症状)和一个新近患OSD的女孩的软骨厚度较之前的测量明显增加。两名患有OSD且无慢性疼痛的学生的软骨薄。总而言之,对于骨干分期的女孩,小学一年级以上的小学生患OSD的风险较高。软骨厚度可能对OSD的诊断没有帮助,因为在OSD中软骨不很常见。但是,软骨厚度可能反映了OSD的状态。



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