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  • 机译 学生很少独立:何时,为什么以及如何在基于学科的教育研究中使用随机效应
    • 作者:Elli Theobald
    • 刊名:CBE Life Sciences Education
    • 2018年第3期
    摘要:Discipline-based education researchers have a natural laboratory—classrooms, programs, colleges, and universities. Studies that administer treatments to multiple sections, in multiple years, or at multiple institutions are particularly compelling for two reasons: first, the sample sizes increase, and second, the implementation of the treatments can be intentionally designed and carefully monitored, potentially negating the need for additional control variables. However, when studies are implemented in this way, the observations on students are not completely independent; rather, students are clustered in sections, terms, years, or other factors. Here, I demonstrate why this clustering can be problematic in regression analysis. Fortunately, nonindependence of sampling can often be accounted for with random effects in multilevel regression models. Using several examples, including an extended example with R code, this paper illustrates why and how to implement random effects in multilevel modeling. It also provides resources to promote implementation of analyses that control for the nonindependence inherent in many quasi-random sampling designs.
  • 机译 演讲机:高等教育学的文化进化模型
    摘要:The benefits of student-centered active-learning approaches are well established, but this evidence has not directly translated into instructors adopting these evidence-based methods in higher education. To date, promoting and sustaining pedagogical change through different initiatives has proven difficult, but research on pedagogical change is advancing. To this end, we examine pedagogical behaviors through a cultural evolutionary model that stresses the global nature of the issue, the generational time that change requires, and complications introduced by academic career trajectories. We first provide an introduction to cultural evolutionary theory before describing our model, which focuses on how cultural transmission processes and selection events at different career phases shape not only who teaches in higher education, but also how they choose to teach. We leverage our model to make suggestions for expediting change in higher education. This includes reforming pedagogy in departments that produce PhD students with the greatest chance of obtaining tenure-track positions.
  • 机译 欢迎聋人学生参加STEM:大学科学教育的建议
    摘要:Scientists are shaped by their unique life experiences and bring these perspectives to their research. Diversity in life and cultural experiences among scientists, therefore, broadens research directions and, ultimately, scientific discoveries. Deaf individuals, for example, have successfully contributed their unique perspectives to scientific inquiry. However, deaf individuals still face challenges in university science education. Most deaf students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines interact with faculty who have little to no experience working with deaf individuals and who often have preconceptions or simply a lack of knowledge about deaf individuals. In addition to a lack of communication access, deaf students may also feel unwelcome in STEM, as do other underrepresented groups. In this essay, we review evidence from the literature and, where data are lacking, contribute the expert opinions of the authors, most of whom are deaf scientists themselves, to identify strategies to best support deaf students in university STEM education. We describe the journey of a hypothetical deaf student and methods for faculty to create a welcoming environment. We describe and provide recommendations for classroom seating and layout, accommodations, teaching strategies, and research mentoring. We also discuss the importance of including deaf scientists in research about deaf individuals.
  • 机译 改善生物科学工作人员的本科生命科学教育:克服教育者与产业之间的脱节
    摘要:The BioHealth Capital Region (Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC; BHCR) is flush with colleges and universities training students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and has one of the most highly educated workforces in the United States. However, current educational approaches and business recruitment tactics are not drawing sufficient talent to sustain the bioscience workforce pipeline. Surveys conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Biology Research and Career Network identified a disconnect between stakeholders who are key to educating, training, and hiring college and university graduates, resulting in several impediments to workforce development in the BHCR: 1) students are underinformed or unaware of bioscience opportunities before entering college and remain so at graduation; 2) students are not job ready at the time of graduation; 3) students are mentored to pursue education beyond what is needed and are therefore overqualified (by degree) for most of the available jobs in the region; 4) undergraduate programs generally lack any focus on workforce development; and 5) few industry–academic partnerships with undergraduate institutions exist in the region. The reality is that these issues are neither surprising nor restricted to the BHCR. Recommendations are presented to facilitate improvement in the preparation of graduates for today’s bioscience industries throughout the United States.
  • 机译 一本经过精心研究的书籍,旨在寻找观众:Kostas Kampourakis解读基因
    摘要:Making Sense of Genes is a new book by Kostas Kampourakis that offers a well-researched commentary on the strengths and limitations of genetics. The book may be too scientifically complex and too one-sided in its opinions to assign to undergraduate students, but it is a provocative and useful read for instructors planning a genetics course.
  • 机译 质疑假设
    摘要:Questioning our assumptions, a first step in addressing difficult scientific problems, is needed to develop a more inclusive scientific workforce.
  • 机译 故意指导原则
    摘要:This essay elucidates four universal principles that have been used in a psychosocial mentoring approach to help mentors and mentees to understand themselves, learn productive reframing, build their personal and family narratives, discover their paths forward, and make decisions that fit who they are, their values, and what they love.
  • 机译 扩大对本科生研究经验(URE)的参与:社区学院的扩展作用
    摘要:Through the efforts of the National Science Foundation–funded Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative, community colleges have taken an active role in broadening participation in undergraduate research experiences.
  • 机译 “局外人” —加州大学伯克利分校生物学者计划的多样性教训
    • 作者:John T. Matsui
    • 刊名:CBE Life Sciences Education
    • 2018年第3期
    摘要:The Biology Scholars Program at the University of California, Berkeley, provides evidence that the science community needs to 1) change the climate of STEM undergraduate education, 2) rethink the conventional notion of “STEM talent” and how we invest resources to diversify STEM, and 3) focus on “fixing our institutions, not our students.”
  • 机译 在历史悠久的黑人高校中通过合作领导变革STEM教育
    摘要:Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) graduate significant numbers of minority students who attain advanced degrees and pursue diverse careers in STEM. Using a collaborative leadership model, an HBCU changed its teaching and learning paradigm to significantly broaden participation in STEM.
  • 机译 为学生在STEM中成功做好准备:专业协会的作用
    • 作者:Irene V. Hulede
    • 刊名:CBE Life Sciences Education
    • 2018年第3期
    摘要:Professional societies play a critical role in the preparation and support of students for success in STEM. Outlined in this essay is an example of how the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) through its programming efforts has established programs to serve as a model and help to broaden participation and maximize diversity in the life sciences.
  • 机译 维持STEM计划:值得投资的挑战
    摘要:This essay includes highlights of a program within the LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives and also addresses the challenges of sustaining successful initiatives that increase persistence and broaden participation in the STEM fields. Suggestions for securing the longevity of such efforts are also provided.
  • 机译 科学教学的最新研究
    • 作者:Sarah L. Eddy
    • 刊名:CBE Life Sciences Education
    • 2018年第3期
    摘要:In this installment of Current Insights, I highlight three diverse research studies out of psychology journals that address student study strategies, faculty change, and the influence of instructor style on the gap between perceived and actual learning.
  • 机译 学生的遗传现象概念及其对理解潜在机制的能力的影响
    摘要:Understanding genetic mechanisms affords the ability to provide causal explanations for genetic phenomena. These mechanisms are difficult to teach and learn. It has been shown that students sometimes conceive of genes as traits or as trait-bearing particles. We termed these “nonmechanistic” conceptions of genetic phenomena because they do not allow the space required for a mechanism to exist in the learner’s mind. In this study, we investigated how ninth- and 12th-grade students’ conceptions of genetic phenomena affect their ability to learn the underlying mechanisms. We found that ninth- and 12th-grade students with nonmechanistic conceptions are less successful at learning the mechanisms leading from gene to trait than students with mechanistic conceptions. Our results suggest that nonmechanistic conceptions of a phenomenon may create a barrier to learning the underlying mechanism. These findings suggest that an initial description of a phenomenon should hint at a mechanism even if the mechanism would be learned only later.
  • 机译 探索高等生物学教育者的教学计划,以推进有意义的教育改进计划
    摘要:This paper attends to challenges for postsecondary science education improvement initiatives, notably understanding and responding to the realities guiding educators’ teaching practices. We explored 16 postsecondary biology educators’ instructional planning, providing novel insights into why educators select certain strategies over others, including lecturing. Our findings point to an array of factors that educators consider, factors that we believe push against the lecture versus active-learning dichotomy that we hear in some improvement rhetoric. We recommend professional development experiences (including peer evaluations of teaching) wherein educators and other proponents for teaching improvements explicitly explore rationales for teaching, including educators’ considerations of the nature of the discipline (content and concepts and skills and processes) and students’ needs. Educators with less experience with content were more likely to seek out additional instructional resources during planning, including other educators. Given this, teaching improvement proponents may want to offer professional development activities that sync with periodic and planned teaching assignments that take educators out of their disciplinary knowledge comfort zone. Disciplinary colleagues might serve as exemplars of planning and implementing teaching strategies that both convey foundational content and processes and engage students via evidence-based practices.
  • 机译 翻转学习环境极大地促进了生物基础入门课程中的学生学习
    摘要:A flipped-classroom environment generally strives to create more in-class time for activities that enhance student learning, while shifting some content delivery to outside the classroom through the use of short didactic videos. We compared a flipped-classroom setting with the traditional (“control”) setting for an accelerated lower-division general biology course. Student self-reporting and video analytics functions showed ample and variable video viewing among individual students. Student learning was evaluated through quizzes administered after a set of concepts were covered (post 1) and at the end of the course (post 2). Students in the flipped sections had significantly higher quiz scores than students in the control sections for both post 1 and post 2. Analyses of variance analyzing the effect of and interactions between type of instruction, in-class activities, time, and Bloom’s level of the quiz questions found significant differences in the overall model and all the factors, except for the presence and level of activities. Significant differences between students in the flipped and control sections were observed for low-level Bloom’s questions only. Thus, the positive effect of the flipped-classroom approach on student learning may be due to improvements in recall of basic concepts and a better understanding of biology vocabulary in their first biology course.
  • 机译 积极学习翻转生命科学课程可促进批判性思维技能的发展
    摘要:Although development of critical thinking skills has emerged as an important issue in undergraduate education, implementation of pedagogies targeting these skills across different science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines has proved challenging. Our goal was to assess the impact of targeted interventions in 1) an introductory cell and molecular biology course, 2) an intermediate-level evolutionary ecology course, and 3) an upper-level biochemistry course. Each instructor used Web-based videos to flip some aspect of the course in order to implement active-learning exercises during class meetings. Activities included process-oriented guided-inquiry learning, model building, case studies, clicker-based think–pair–share strategies, and targeted critical thinking exercises. The proportion of time spent in active-learning activities relative to lecture varied among the courses, with increased active learning in intermediate/upper-level courses. Critical thinking was assessed via a pre/posttest design using the Critical Thinking Assessment Test. Students also assessed their own learning through a self-reported survey. Students in flipped courses exhibited gains in critical thinking, with the largest objective gains in intermediate and upper-level courses. Results from this study suggest that implementing active-learning strategies in the flipped classroom may benefit critical thinking and provide initial evidence suggesting that underrepresented and first-year students may experience a greater benefit.
  • 机译 发现错误的学习可以提高学生的参与度和表现,同时减少生物信息学课程中的学生损耗
    摘要:We sought to test a hypothesis that systemic blind spots in active learning are a barrier both for instructors—who cannot see what every student is actually thinking on each concept in each class—and for students—who often cannot tell precisely whether their thinking is right or wrong, let alone exactly how to fix it. We tested a strategy for eliminating these blind spots by having students answer open-ended, conceptual problems using a Web-based platform, and measured the effects on student attrition, engagement, and performance. In 4 years of testing both in class and using an online platform, this approach revealed (and provided specific resolution lessons for) more than 200 distinct conceptual errors, dramatically increased average student engagement, and reduced student attrition by approximately fourfold compared with the original lecture course format (down from 48.3% to 11.4%), especially for women undergraduates (down from 73.1% to 7.4%). Median exam scores increased from 53% to 72–80%, and the bottom half of students boosted their scores to the range in which the top half had scored before the pedagogical switch. By contrast, in our control year with the same active-learning content (but without this “zero blind spots” approach), these gains were not observed.
  • 机译 医学博士课程的过渡经验
    摘要:MD–PhD training takes, on average, 8 years to complete and involves two transitions, an MD-preclinical to PhD-research phase and a PhD-research to MD-clinical phase. There is a paucity of research about MD–PhD students’ experiences during each transition. This study examined transition experiences reported by 48 MD–PhD students who had experienced at least one of these transitions during their training. We purposefully sampled medical schools across the United States to recruit participants. Semistructured interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis; items focused on academic and social experiences within and outside their programs. Using a phenomenological approach and analytic induction, we examined students’ transition experiences during their MD–PhD programs. Five broad themes emerged centering on multiple needs: mentoring, facilitating integration with students in each phase, integrating the curriculum to foster mastery of skills needed for each phase, awareness of cultural differences between MD and PhD training, and support. None of the respondents attributed their transition experiences to gender or race/ethnicity. Students emphasized the need for mentoring by MD–PhD faculty and better institutional and program supports to mitigate feelings of isolation and help students relearn knowledge for clinical clerkships and ease re-entry into the hospital culture, which differs substantially from the research culture.
  • 机译 一年级生物学的学习策略:迈向“浑浊的中间”
    摘要:Higher education faces the challenge of high student attrition, which is especially disconcerting if associated with low participation rates, as is the case in South Africa. Recently, the use of learning analytics has increased, enabling institutions to make data-informed decisions to improve teaching, learning, and student success. Most of the literature thus far has focused on “at-risk” students. The aim of this paper is twofold: to use learning analytics to define a different group of students, termed the “murky middle” (MM), early enough in the academic year to provide scope for targeted interventions; and to describe the learning strategies of successful students to guide the design of interventions aimed at improving the prospects of success for all students, especially those of the MM. We found that it was possible to identify the MM using demographic data that are available at the start of the academic year. The students in the subgroup were cleanly defined by their grade 12 results for physical sciences. We were also able to describe the learning strategies that are associated with success in first-year biology. This information is useful for curricular design, classroom practice, and student advising and should be incorporated in professional development programs for lecturers and student advisors.


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