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First-line treatment of seasonal (ragweed) rhinoconjunctivitis: a randomized management trial comparing a nasal steroid spray and a nonsedating antihistamine




OBJECTIVE: To determine whether better health-related quality of life (HRQL) is achieved by initiating treatment of seasonal (ragweed) rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever) with a nasal steroid (fluticasone) backed up by a nonsedating antihistamine (terfenadine) or whether it is better to start with the antihistamine and add the nasal steroid when necessary. DESIGN: Randomized, nonblind, parallel-group management study during the 6 weeks of the ragweed pollen season in 1995. PATIENTS: Sixty-one adults with ragweed pollen hay fever recruited from patients who had participated in previous clinical studies and from those who responded to notices in the local media. SETTING: Southern Ontario. INTERVENTIONS: Nasal steroid group: 200 micrograms of fluticasone nasal spray when needed (up to 400 micrograms/d) starting about 1 week before the ragweed pollen season and continued throughout, with 1 to 2 tablets of terfenadine daily (maximum 120 mg/d) if needed. Antihistamine group: 1 60-mg tablet of terfenadine when needed (maximum 120 mg/d) starting about 1 week before the ragweed pollen season and continued throughout, with 200-400 micrograms/d of fluticasone nasal spray (maximum 400 micrograms/d) if needed. OUTCOME MEASURES: HRQL before, at the height of and toward the end of the ragweed pollen season; HRQL was measured using the Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnáire. RESULTS: Overall, HRQL tended to be better in the group of patients whose first-line treatment was with fluticasone (p = 0.052), but the difference between the 2 groups was small and not clinically important. Just over half (52% [16/31]) of the patients in the fluticasone group did not need additional help with terfenadine, whereas only 13% (4/30) of those in the terfenadine group did not need additional help with fluticasone (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: There is little difference in the therapeutic benefit between the 2 approaches for the treatment of ragweed pollen hay fever. Therefore, the approach to treatment should be based on patient preference, convenience and cost. Regardless of the treatment, at least 50% of patients will need to take both types of medication in combination to control symptoms adequately.
机译:目的:通过开始使用以非镇静性抗组胺药(terfenadine)为后盾的鼻类固醇(氟替卡松)治疗季节性(豚草)鼻结膜炎(花粉症),确定是否获得更好的健康相关生活质量(HRQL)最好从抗组胺药开始,必要时加鼻类固醇。设计:在1995年豚草花粉季节的6周内进行了随机,无盲,平行分组的管理研究。患者:从参加过先前临床研究的患者和对这些方法有反应的患者中招募了61名豚草花粉花粉热的成年人。当地媒体的通知。地点:安大略省南部。干预措施:鼻类固醇激素组:在豚草花粉季节前约1周开始,在需要时200毫克氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂(最高400微克/天),并持续整个过程,每天服用1至2片特非那定(最高120毫克/天)如果需要的话。抗组胺药组:豚草花粉季节前约1周开始需要时,服用1 60毫克特非那定片(最大120毫克/天),并持续整个过程,氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂200-400微克/天(最大400微克/天)如果需要的话。观察指标:豚草花粉季节之前,高峰期和临近高峰时的HRQL;使用鼻结膜炎生活质量问卷对HRQL进行测量。结果:总体而言,一线治疗为氟替卡松的患者组的HRQL倾向于更好(p = 0.052),但两组之间的差异很小,在临床上并不重要。氟替卡松组中略超过一半(52%[16/31])的患者不需要特非那定的额外帮助,而特非那定组中只有13%(4/30)的患者不需要氟替卡松的其他帮助( p = 0.002)。结论:这两种方法对豚草花粉花粉热的治疗效果几乎没有差异。因此,治疗方法应基于患者的喜好,便利性和费用。无论采用哪种治疗方法,至少50%的患者都需要同时服用两种药物以充分控制症状。



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