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  • 机译 从人脑的结构连接体得出的计算网络测量的重测可靠性
    摘要:Structural magnetic resonance (MR) connectomics holds promise for the diagnosis, outcome prediction, and treatment monitoring of many common neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorders for which there is currently no clinical utility for MR imaging (MRI). Before computational network metrics from the human connectome can be applied in a clinical setting, their precision and their normative intersubject variation must be understood to guide the study design and the interpretation of longitudinal data. In this work, the reproducibility of commonly used graph theoretic measures is investigated, as applied to the structural connectome of healthy adult volunteers. Two datasets are examined, one consisting of 10 subjects scanned twice at one MRI facility and one consisting of five subjects scanned once each at two different facilities using the same imaging platform. Global graph metrics are calculated for unweighed and weighed connectomes, and two levels of granularity of the connectome are evaluated: one based on the 82-node cortical and subcortical parcellation from FreeSurfer and one based on an atlas-free parcellation of the gray–white matter boundary consisting of 1000 cortical nodes. The consistency of the unweighed and weighed edges and the module assignments are also computed for the 82-node connectomes. Overall, the results demonstrate good-to-excellent test–retest reliability for the entire connectome-processing pipeline, including the graph analytics, in both the intrasite and intersite datasets. These findings indicate that measurements of computational network metrics derived from the structural connectome have sufficient precision to be tested as potential biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of interventions in neurological and psychiatric diseases.
  • 机译 静止状态功能连接中的表型变异:当前状态
    摘要:We reviewed the extant literature with the goal of assessing the extent to which resting-state functional connectivity is associated with phenotypic variability in healthy and disordered populations. A large corpus of work has accumulated to date (125 studies), supporting the association between intrinsic functional connectivity and individual differences in a wide range of domains—not only in cognitive, perceptual, motoric, and linguistic performance, but also in behavioral traits (e.g., impulsiveness, risky decision making, personality, and empathy) and states (e.g., anxiety and psychiatric symptoms) that are distinguished by cognitive and affective functioning, and in neurological conditions with cognitive and motor sequelae. Further, intrinsic functional connectivity is sensitive to remote (e.g., early-life stress) and enduring (e.g., duration of symptoms) life experience, and it exhibits plasticity in response to recent experience (e.g., learning and adaptation) and pharmacological treatment. The most pervasive associations were observed with the default network; associations were also widespread between the cingulo-opercular network and both cognitive and affective behaviors, while the frontoparietal network was associated primarily with cognitive functions. Associations of somatomotor, frontotemporal, auditory, and amygdala networks were relatively restricted to the behaviors linked to their respective putative functions. Surprisingly, visual network associations went beyond visual function to include a variety of behavioral traits distinguished by affective function. Together, the reviewed evidence sets the stage for testing causal hypothesis about the functional role of intrinsic connectivity and augments its potential as a biomarker for healthy and disordered brain function.
  • 机译 并非所有阅读障碍都是阅读障碍:特定理解障碍的不同神经生物学
    摘要:Although an extensive literature exists on the neurobiological correlates of dyslexia (DYS), to date, no studies have examined the neurobiological profile of those who exhibit poor reading comprehension despite intact word-level abilities (specific reading comprehension deficits [S-RCD]). Here we investigated the word-level abilities of S-RCD as compared to typically developing readers (TD) and those with DYS by examining the blood oxygenation-level dependent response to words varying on frequency. Understanding whether S-RCD process words in the same manner as TD, or show alternate pathways to achieve normal word-reading abilities, may provide insights into the origin of this disorder. Results showed that as compared to TD, DYS showed abnormal covariance during word processing with right-hemisphere homologs of the left-hemisphere reading network in conjunction with left occipitotemporal underactivation. In contrast, S-RCD showed an intact neurobiological response to word stimuli in occipitotemporal regions (associated with fast and efficient word processing); however, inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) abnormalities were observed. Specifically, TD showed a higher-percent signal change within right IFG for low-versus-high frequency words as compared to both S-RCD and DYS. Using psychophysiological interaction analyses, a coupling-by-reading group interaction was found in right IFG for DYS, as indicated by a widespread greater covariance between right IFG and right occipitotemporal cortex/visual word-form areas, as well as bilateral medial frontal gyrus, as compared to TD. For S-RCD, the context-dependent functional interaction anomaly was most prominently seen in left IFG, which covaried to a greater extent with hippocampal, parahippocampal, and prefrontal areas than for TD for low- as compared to high-frequency words. Given the greater lexical access demands of low frequency as compared to high-frequency words, these results may suggest specific weaknesses in accessing lexical-semantic representations during word recognition. These novel findings provide foundational insights into the nature of S-RCD, and set the stage for future investigations of this common, but understudied, reading disorder.
  • 机译 平衡受损的人在舌头刺激后平衡处理网络的连接性发生了变化。
    摘要:Some individuals with balance impairment have hypersensitivity of the motion-sensitive visual cortices (hMT+) compared to healthy controls. Previous work showed that electrical tongue stimulation can reduce the exaggerated postural sway induced by optic flow in this subject population and decrease the hypersensitive response of hMT+. Additionally, a region within the brainstem (BS), likely containing the vestibular and trigeminal nuclei, showed increased optic flow-induced activity after tongue stimulation. The aim of this study was to understand how the modulation induced by tongue stimulation affects the balance-processing network as a whole and how modulation of BS structures can influence cortical activity. Four volumes of interest, discovered in a general linear model analysis, constitute major contributors to the balance-processing network. These regions were entered into a dynamic causal modeling analysis to map the network and measure any connection or topology changes due to the stimulation. Balance-impaired individuals had downregulated response of the primary visual cortex (V1) to visual stimuli but upregulated modulation of the connection between V1 and hMT+ by visual motion compared to healthy controls (p≤1E–5). This upregulation was decreased to near-normal levels after stimulation. Additionally, the region within the BS showed increased response to visual motion after stimulation compared to both prestimulation and controls. Stimulation to the tongue enters the central nervous system at the BS but likely propagates to the cortex through supramodal information transfer. We present a model to explain these brain responses that utilizes an anatomically present, but functionally dormant pathway of information flow within the processing network.
  • 机译 向上采样至400毫秒分辨率,以评估具有Granger因果关系的功能性磁共振成像数据的有效连通性
    摘要:Granger causality analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal data allows one to infer the direction and magnitude of influence that brain regions exert on one another. We employed a method for upsampling the time resolution of fMRI data that does not require additional interpolation beyond the interpolation that is regularly used for slice-timing correction. The mathematics for this new method are provided, and simulations demonstrate its viability. Using fMRI, 17 snake phobics and 19 healthy controls viewed snake, disgust, and neutral fish video clips preceded by anticipatory cues. Multivariate Granger causality models at the native 2-sec resolution and at the upsampled 400-ms resolution assessed directional associations of fMRI data among 13 anatomical regions of interest identified in prior research on anxiety and emotion. Superior sensitivity was observed for the 400-ms model, both for connectivity within each group and for group differences in connectivity. Context-dependent analyses for the 400-ms multivariate Granger causality model revealed the specific trial types showing group differences in connectivity. This is the first demonstration of effective connectivity of fMRI data using a method for achieving 400-ms resolution without sacrificing accuracy available at 2-sec resolution.
  • 机译 扩散张量成像的多中心可靠性
    摘要:A number of studies are now collecting diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data across sites. While the reliability of anatomical images has been established by a number of groups, the reliability of DTI data has not been studied as extensively. In this study, five healthy controls were recruited and imaged at eight imaging centers. Repeated measures were obtained across two imaging protocols allowing intra-subject and inter-site variability to be assessed. Regional measures within white matter were obtained for standard rotationally invariant measures: fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and axial diffusivity. Intra-subject coefficient of variation (CV) was typically <1% for all scalars and regions. Inter-site CV increased to ∼1%–3%. Inter-vendor variation was similar to inter-site variability. This variability includes differences in the actual implementation of the sequence.
  • 机译 全身麻醉和人脑连接
    摘要:General anesthesia consists of amnesia, hypnosis, analgesia, and areflexia. Of these, the mechanism of hypnosis, or loss of consciousness, has been the most elusive, yet a fascinating problem. How anesthetic agents suppress human consciousness has been investigated with neuroimaging for two decades. Anesthetics substantially reduce the global cerebral metabolic rate and blood flow with a degree of regional heterogeneity characteristic to the anesthetic agent. The thalamus appears to be a common site of modulation by several anesthetics, but this may be secondary to cortical effects. Stimulus-dependent brain activation is preserved in primary sensory areas, suggesting that unconsciousness cannot be explained by cortical deafferentation or a diminution of cortical sensory reactivity. The effect of general anesthetics in functional and effective connectivity is varied depending on the agent, dose, and network studied. At an anesthetic depth characterized by the subjects' unresponsiveness, a partial, but not complete, reduction in connectivity is generally observed. Functional connectivity of the frontoparietal association cortex is often reduced, but a causal role of this change for the loss of consciousness remains uncertain. Functional connectivity of the nonspecific (intralaminar) thalamic nuclei is preferentially reduced by propofol. Higher-order thalamocortical connectivity is also reduced with certain anesthetics. The changes in functional connectivity during anesthesia induction and emergence do not mirror each other; the recovery from anesthesia may involve increases in functional connectivity above the normal wakeful baseline. Anesthetic loss of consciousness is not a block of corticofugal information transfer, but a disruption of higher-order cortical information integration. The prime candidates for functional networks of the forebrain that play a critical role in maintaining the state of consciousness are those based on the posterior parietal-cingulate-precuneus region and the nonspecific thalamus.
  • 机译 小儿双相情感障碍的情感和工作记忆网络内前额叶区域和杏仁核的功能连接性降低
    摘要:This study examined whether adolescents with pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD) have abnormal regional functional connectivity in distributed brain networks during an affective working memory task. Adolescents with PBD (n=41) and healthy controls (HC; n=16) performed a two-back functional magnetic resonance imaging working memory task with blocks of either angry or neutral faces. Independent component analysis methodology identified two temporally independent and functionally connected brain networks that showed differential functional connectivity in PBD and HC. Within a network for “affect evaluation and regulation,” PBD showed decreased functional connectivity relative to HC in regions involved in emotion processing such as the right amygdala, and in emotion regulation regions such as the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), while functional connectivity was increased in emotion evaluation regions such as the bilateral medial PFC. Furthermore, in an “Affective Working Memory Network,” PBD exhibited greater connectivity relative to HC in left dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC), caudate, and right VLPFC; and simultaneously reduced connectivity in emotion processing regions, such as the right amygdala, bilateral temporal regions, and the junction of DLPFC/VLPFC, which interfaces affective and cognitive processes. Dysfunction in network engagement in PBD patients illustrates that they are expending greater effort in face emotion evaluation, while being less able to engage affect regulation regions.
  • 机译 从功能磁共振成像数据研究有效的大脑连通性:格兰杰因果关系分析的以往发现和当前问题
    摘要:Interactions between brain regions have been recognized as a critical ingredient required to understand brain function. Two modes of interactions have held prominence—synchronization and causal influence. Efforts to ascertain causal influence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data have relied primarily on confirmatory model-driven approaches, such as dynamic causal modeling and structural equation modeling, and exploratory data-driven approaches such as Granger causality analysis. A slew of recent articles have focused on the relative merits and caveats of these approaches. The relevant studies can be classified into simulations, theoretical developments, and experimental results. In the first part of this review, we will consider each of these themes and critically evaluate their arguments, with regard to Granger causality analysis. Specifically, we argue that simulations are bounded by the assumptions and simplifications made by the simulator, and hence must be regarded only as a guide to experimental design and should not be viewed as the final word. On the theoretical front, we reason that each of the improvements to existing, yet disparate, methods brings them closer to each other with the hope of eventually leading to a unified framework specifically designed for fMRI. We then review latest experimental results that demonstrate the utility and validity of Granger causality analysis under certain experimental conditions. In the second part, we will consider current issues in causal connectivity analysis—hemodynamic variability, sampling, instantaneous versus causal relationship, and task versus resting states. We highlight some of our own work regarding these issues showing the effect of hemodynamic variability and sampling on Granger causality. Further, we discuss recent techniques such as the cubature Kalman filtering, which can perform blind deconvolution of the hemodynamic response robustly well, and hence enabling wider application of Granger causality analysis. Finally, we discuss our previous work on the less-appreciated interactions between instantaneous and causal relationships and the utility and interpretation of Granger causality results obtained from task versus resting state (e.g., ability of causal relationships to provide a mode of connectivity between regions that are instantaneously dissociated in resting state). We conclude by discussing future directions in this area.
  • 机译 自动确定人脑深部白色物质中的轴突方向
    摘要:The wide-spread utilization of diffusion-weighted imaging in the clinical neurosciences to assess white-matter (WM) integrity and architecture calls for robust validation strategies applied to the data that are acquired with noninvasive imaging. However, the pathology and detailed fiber architecture of WM tissue can only be observed postmortem. With these considerations in mind, we designed an automated method for the determination of axonal orientation in high-resolution microscope images. The algorithm was tested on tissue that was stained using a silver impregnation technique that was optimized to resolve axonal fibers against very low levels of background. The orientation of individual nerve fibers was detected using spatial filtering and a template-matching algorithm, and the results are displayed as color-coded overlays. Quantitative models of WM fiber architecture at the microscopic level can lead to improved interpretation of low-resolution neuroimaging data and to more accurate mapping of fiber pathways in the human brain.
  • 机译 专业羽毛球运动员的静息大脑功能和结构改变
    摘要:Neuroimaging studies of professional athletic or musical training have demonstrated considerable practice-dependent plasticity in various brain structures, which may reflect distinct training demands. In the present study, structural and functional brain alterations were examined in professional badminton players and compared with healthy controls using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and resting-state functional MRI. Gray matter concentration (GMC) was assessed using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), and resting-brain functions were measured by amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) and seed-based functional connectivity. Results showed that the athlete group had greater GMC and ALFF in the right and medial cerebellar regions, respectively. The athlete group also demonstrated smaller ALFF in the left superior parietal lobule and altered functional connectivity between the left superior parietal and frontal regions. These findings indicate that badminton expertise is associated with not only plastic structural changes in terms of enlarged gray matter density in the cerebellum, but also functional alterations in fronto-parietal connectivity. Such structural and functional alterations may reflect specific experiences of badminton training and practice, including high-capacity visuo-spatial processing and hand-eye coordination in addition to refined motor skills.
  • 机译 可变带宽滤波可提高跨频耦合度量的灵敏度
    摘要:There is an increasing interest in examining cross-frequency coupling (CFC) between groups of oscillating neurons. Most CFC studies examine how the phase of lower-frequency brain activity modulates the amplitude of higher-frequency brain activity. This study focuses on the signal filtering that is required to isolate the higher-frequency neuronal activity which is hypothesized to be amplitude modulated. In particular, previous publications have used a filter bandwidth fixed to a constant for all assessed modulation frequencies. The present article demonstrates that fixed bandwidth filtering can destroy amplitude modulation and create false-negative CFC measures. To overcome this limitation, this study presents a variable bandwidth filter that ensures preservation of the amplitude modulation. Simulated time series data were created with theta-gamma, alpha-gamma, and beta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling. Comparisons between filtering methods indicate that the variable bandwidth approach presented in this article is preferred when examining amplitude modulations above the theta band. The variable bandwidth method of filtering an amplitude modulated signal is proposed to preserve amplitude modulation and enable accurate CFC measurements.
  • 机译 在偶发和工作记忆需求期间,年龄对功能连接网络结构的影响
    摘要:The aim of the study was to investigate age-related differences in large-scale functional connectivity networks during episodic and working memory challenge. A graph theoretical approach was used providing an exhaustive set of topological measures to quantify age-related differences in the network structure on various scales. In a single session, 10 young (22–30 years) and 10 senior (62–77 years) subjects performed an episodic and a working memory task during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Networks of functional connectivity were constructed by correlating the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal for every pair of voxels. Statistical network parameters yield a global characterization of the network topology, the quantification of the importance of specific regions, and shifts in local connectivity. An age-related increase in the density and size of the networks and loss of small-worldness was observed, related to an expanded distribution of brain activity during both memory demands in seniors, and a more specific and localized activity in young subjects. In addition, we found highly symmetrical neural networks in young subjects accompanied by a strong coupling between parietal and occipital regions. In contrast, seniors showed pronounced left-hemispheric asymmetry with decreased connectivity within occipital areas, but increased connectivity within parietal areas. Moreover, seniors engaged an additional frontal network strongly connected to parietal areas. In contrast to young subjects, seniors showed an almost identical structure of network connectivity during both memory tasks. The chosen network approach is explorative and hypothesis-free. Our results extend seed-based and BOLD-signal intensity focused studies, and support present hypotheses like compensation and dedifferentiation.
  • 机译 受约束的基于源的形态计量学可以识别与默认模式网络相关的结构网络
    摘要:We present constrained source-based morphometry (SBM), a multivariate semiblind data-driven approach, to explore a possible brain-wide structural network in both gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) associated with the functional default mode network (DMN). With this approach, we utilize seed regions associated with the DMN as constraints on GM maps and derive a joint GM and WM structural network automatically through a multivariate data-driven approach. In this article, we first provide a simulation to validate the constrained SBM approach. The approach was then applied to structural magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging data obtained from 102 healthy controls. Regions that have consistently reported to be associated with the DMN were used to create an a priori mask that was integrated within an independent component analysis framework to derive the structural network associated with the DMN. We identified a set of GM and corresponding WM regions contributing to a structural network underlying the functional DMN. The GM regions consisted mainly of the precuneus, superior and medial frontal gyri, middle temporal gyrus, hippocampus, cuneus, and cerebellum. The WM regions included the cingulum, corpus callosum, corona radiata, association fibers, and middle cerebellar peduncle. Significant gender differences in the relationship between intelligence quotient (IQ) and the identified structural network were observed. Our findings suggest that the functional DMN is underpinned by a corresponding brain-wide structural network. The constrained SBM approach is additionally applicable to a wide variety of problems identifying structural networks from seed regions.
  • 机译 更正
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Brain Connectivity
    • 2012年第6期
  • 机译 精神分裂症中丘脑皮层电路的保守功能连接性但有效连接性受损
    摘要:Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness with neurobiological bases that remain elusive. One hypothesis emphasizes disordered thalamic function. We previously used concurrent single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (spTMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that individuals with schizophrenia have a decreased spTMS-evoked response in the thalamus, and decreased effective connectivity between thalamus and insula and thalamus and superior frontal gyrus. To better understand the factors that may accompany or account for these findings, we investigated, in the same participants, resting state functional connectivity, white matter structural connectivity, and grey matter integrity. Patients with schizophrenia did not differ from healthy control subjects in resting state functional- or white matter structural connectivity, although they did show decreased measures of grey matter integrity in the insula. However, in this region, the spTMS-evoked response did not differ between groups. In a region of the thalamus that also had grey matter intensity abnormalities, although not at a level that survived correction for multiple comparisons, the spTMS-evoked response in patients was deficient. These results suggest that measures of structure and function are not necessarily complementary. Further, given its sensitivity for identifying deficits not evident with traditional imaging methods, these results highlight the utility of spTMS-fMRI, a method that directly and causally probes effective connectivity, as a tool for studying brain-based disorders.
  • 机译 HIV +人口老龄化中的大脑网络中断
    摘要:Antiretroviral therapies have become widely available, and as a result, individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are living longer, and becoming integrated into the geriatric population. Around half of the HIV+ population shows some degree of cognitive impairment, but it is unknown how their neural networks and brain connectivity compare to those of noninfected people. Here we combined magnetic resonance imaging-based cortical parcellations with high angular resolution diffusion tensor imaging tractography in 55 HIV-seropositive patients and 30 age-matched controls, to map white matter connections between cortical regions. We set out to determine selective virus-associated disruptions in the brain's structural network. All individuals in this study were aged 60–80, with full access to antiretroviral therapy. Frontal and motor connections were compromised in HIV+ individuals. HIV+ people who carried the apolipoprotein E4 allele (ApoE4) genotype—which puts them at even greater risk for neurodegeneration—showed additional network structure deficits in temporal and parietal connections. The ApoE4 genotype interacted with duration of illness. Carriers showed greater brain network inefficiencies the longer they were infected. Neural network deficiencies in HIV+ populations exceed those typical of normal aging, and are worse in those genetically predisposed to brain degeneration. This work isolates neuropathological alterations in HIV+ elders, even when treated with antiretroviral therapy. Network impairments may contribute to the neuropsychological abnormalities in elderly HIV patients, who will soon account for around half of all HIV+ adults.
  • 机译 FDG-PET揭示的代谢性大脑协变网络与静止状态fMRI网络相关
    摘要:The human brain is inherently organized as separate networks, as has been widely revealed by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Although the large-scale functional connectivity can be partially explained by the underlying white-matter structural connectivity, the question of whether the underlying functional connectivity is related to brain metabolic factors is still largely unanswered. The present study investigated the presence of metabolic covariant networks across subjects using a set of fluorodeoxyglucose (18F, FDG) positron-emission tomography (PET) images. Spatial-independent component analysis was performed on the subject series of FDG-PET images. A number of networks that were mainly homotopic regions could be identified, including visual, auditory, motor, cerebellar, and subcortical networks. However, the anterior-posterior networks such as the default-mode and left frontoparietal networks could not be observed. Region-of-interest-based correlation analysis confirmed that the intersubject metabolic covariances within the default-mode and left frontoparietal networks were reduced as compared with corresponding time-series correlations using resting-state fMRI from an independent sample. In contrast, homotopic intersubject metabolic covariances observed using PET were comparable to the corresponding fMRI resting-state time-series correlations. The current study provides preliminary illustration, suggesting that the human brain metabolism pertains to organized covariance patterns that might partially reflect functional connectivity as revealed by resting-state blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD). The discrepancy between the PET covariance and BOLD functional connectivity might reflect the differences of energy consumption coupling and ongoing neural synchronization within these brain networks.
  • 机译 fMRI静止状态连接的脑电Alpha功率调制
    摘要:In the past decade, the fast and transient coupling and uncoupling of functionally related brain regions into networks has received much attention in cognitive neuroscience. Empirical tools to study network coupling include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-based functional and/or effective connectivity, and electroencephalography (EEG)/magnetoencephalography-based measures of neuronal synchronization. Here we use simultaneously recorded EEG and fMRI to assess whether fMRI-based connectivity and frequency-specific EEG power are related. Using data collected during resting state, we studied whether posterior EEG alpha power fluctuations are correlated with connectivity within the visual network and between the visual cortex and the rest of the brain. The results show that when alpha power increases, BOLD connectivity between the primary visual cortex and occipital brain regions decreases and that the negative relation of the visual cortex with the anterior/medial thalamus decreases and the ventral–medial prefrontal cortex is reduced in strength. These effects were specific for the alpha band, and not observed in other frequency bands. The decreased connectivity within the visual system may indicate an enhanced functional inhibition during a higher alpha activity. This higher inhibition level also attenuates long-range intrinsic functional antagonism between the visual cortex and the other thalamic and cortical regions. Together, these results illustrate that power fluctuations in posterior alpha oscillations result in local and long-range neural connectivity changes.
  • 机译 功能协方差网络:从受试者间的变异性获得静息状态网络
    摘要:In this study, we investigate a new approach for examining the separation of the brain into resting-state networks (RSNs) on a group level using resting-state parameters (amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation [ALFF], fractional ALFF [fALFF], the Hurst exponent, and signal standard deviation). Spatial independent component analysis is used to reveal covariance patterns of the relevant resting-state parameters (not the time series) across subjects that are shown to be related to known, standard RSNs. As part of the analysis, nonresting state parameters are also investigated, such as mean of the blood oxygen level-dependent time series and gray matter volume from anatomical scans. We hypothesize that meaningful RSNs will primarily be elucidated by analysis of the resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) parameters and not by non-RSFC parameters. First, this shows the presence of a common influence underlying individual RSFC networks revealed through low-frequency fluctation (LFF) parameter properties. Second, this suggests that the LFFs and RSFC networks have neurophysiological origins. Several of the components determined from resting-state parameters in this manner correlate strongly with known resting-state functional maps, and we term these “functional covariance networks”.


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