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Antipersonnel mines: who are the victims?




The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has surgically treated 49 946 war wounded from all sides of the Afghan conflict. Two hospitals were established in Peshawar (1981) and Quetta (1983) on the Afghan border of Pakistan and inside Afghanistan in Kabul (1988). One quarter of all war wounded were injured as a result of antipersonnel mines. In 1980 a UN weapons convention adopted specific rules on the use of land mines, yet despite this, mines are still present and causing casualties long after the ceasefire. In the ICRC hospital Peshawar, 48% of all war wounded in the last year were injured as a result of mines. Non-combatants accounted for 34%, with the majority being children < 16 years old (25%); 78% of all mine injured people claimed to be returning refugees, of whom 37% had returned within three months. A significant increase in injuries occurred in children, from 14% in 1990 to 25% in 1992. For a country recovering from war, the presence of mines causes a serious environmental, social, and economic burden, and for the victims, continued tragedy not only for their families but also the whole country for many years to come.
机译:红十字国际委员会(红十字国际委员会)已经手术治疗了阿富汗冲突各方受伤的49 946战争。在巴基斯坦的阿富汗边界和喀布尔的阿富汗内部(1988年)在白沙瓦(1981年)和奎达(1983年)建立了两家医院。由于杀伤人员地雷,所有战争伤员中有四分之一受伤。 1980年,一项联合国武器公约通过了有关使用地雷的具体规则,尽管如此,地雷仍然存在,停火后很长时间造成人员伤亡。在红十字国际委员会白沙瓦医院,去年发生的所有战争伤亡中有48%因地雷受伤。非战斗人员占34%,大多数是16岁以下的儿童(25%);所有遭受地雷伤害的人中有78%声称是返回的难民,其中37%在三个月内返回。儿童的伤害显着增加,从1990年的14%增至1992年的25%。对于一个从战争中复苏的国家来说,地雷的存在给环境,社会和经济造成了沉重负担,对受害者而言,持续的悲剧没有不仅对于他们的家庭,而且对整个国家来说,都是未来的许多年。



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