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Theory of Mind Is Not Theory of Emotion: A Cautionary Note on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test




The ability to represent mental states (theory of mind [ToM]) is crucial in understanding individual differences in social ability and social impairments evident in conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) is a popular measure of ToM ability, validated in part by the poor performance of those with ASD. However, the RMET requires recognition of facial emotion, which is impaired in those with alexithymia, which frequently co-occurs with ASD. Thus, it is unclear whether the RMET indexes emotion recognition, associated with alexithymia, or ToM, associated with ASD. We therefore investigated the independent contributions of ASD and alexithymia to performance on the RMET. ASD and alexithymia-matched control participants did not differ on RMET performance, whereas ASD participants demonstrated impaired performance on an alternative test of ToM, the Movie for Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). Furthermore, alexithymia, but not ASD diagnosis, significantly influenced RMET performance but did not affect MASC performance. These results suggest that the RMET measures emotion recognition rather than ToM ability and support the alexithymia hypothesis of emotion-related deficits in ASD.
机译:表现精神状态的能力(心理理论[ToM])对于理解在自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)等情况下显而易见的社交能力和社交障碍的个体差异至关重要。阅读眼神测试(RMET)是衡量ToM能力的一种流行指标,部分被ASD者表现不佳所证实。但是,RMET需要识别面部表情,这在经常与ASD并发的无力症患者中会受损。因此,尚不清楚RMET是否索引与情感障碍相关的情绪识别或与ASD相关的ToM。因此,我们调查了ASD和学习障碍对RMET表现的独立贡献。 ASD和与运动障碍匹配的对照参与者在RMET表现上没有差异,而ASD参与者在ToM的另一项测试(社会认知评估电影(MASC))上表现出受损的表现。此外,运动障碍,而不是ASD诊断,显着影响RMET性能,但不影响MASC性能。这些结果表明,RMET衡量的是情感识别而不是ToM能力,并支持ASD中与情感有关的缺陷的运动障碍假说。



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