首页> 中文期刊>浙江体育科学 >乒乓球战术行为博弈分析的理论体系建构




以博弈论理论为理论基础,构建了乒乓球战术行为博弈分析的理论体系,阐述了乒乓球战术行为博弈分析理论的概念、构成要素、博弈类属及表示方法。指出乒乓球战术行为博弈理论是关于乒乓球战术行为合理运用的理论体系,是研究如何在乒乓球竞赛实践中战胜对手,提高胜算,获取比赛优胜的理论;整个体系由参与人、行动、信息、战略、支付、次序、结果和均衡等要素构成;博弈类属含有两人博弈、序贯博弈、零和博弈、重复博弈、完美但不完全信息博弈,规则对比赛结果有重大影响等特征;乒乓球战术行为博弈模型有战略式和拓展式两种博弈表述方式,并有着不同的纳什均衡求解方法。%The research constructs theoretical framework of tactical behaviors in table tennis based on game theory and elaborates relative concepts,elements,categories and methods in the framework.Table tennis tactical behavior game theory is the theoretical construction about rational use of strategies and tactics during table tennis competition and how to increase the probability of winning the game.The whole behavior game is composed of elements such as players,actions or moves,information,strategies,payoffs,orders,outcome and equilibrium.The game can be categorized as sequential game,two players game,zero-sum game,repeated game,perfect but not completely information game and game features as rules have significant impact on the outcomes.The study also seeks the models can represents the theory.Two kinds of models strategy form representation and extensive form representation are introduced at last.



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