首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江临床医学》 >体外循环后静脉血清与动脉全血电解质浓度的对比分析




Objective To observe the difference between the results of blood kalium sodium and chloride density detected in artery whole blood and in vein blood serum. Methods The radial artery whole blood and internal jugular vein serum,taken from 54 patients undergoing extracorporeal circulation for cardiopulmonary bypass,were detected by Bio-Asia i-STAT Blood GasAnalyzer made in USA and DXC800 Electrolyte Analyzer made in USA to obtain the blood kalium、sodium and chloride density. Results There were significant differences between the results of blood kalium density detected in artery whole blood and in vein blood serum(P<0.01,P=0.0003),whereas,there was no significant differences in sodium and chloride(P>0.01). Conclusion s The potassium in the artery whole blood by blood gasanalyszer can not substitute for that in venous blood serum by Electrolyte Analyzer . The sodium and chloride in the artery whole blood can substitute for those in the venous blood serum.%  目的利用生化分析仪和动脉血气分析仪分别测定静脉血清和动脉全血中钾、钠、氯离子浓度,比较二者之间的差异和线性关系,探讨其临床意义。方法用美国生产的贝克曼DXC800和佰利亚i-STAT动脉血气分析仪分别检测54例患者体外循环术后30min内的静脉血清和动脉全血的钾离子、钠、氯离子浓度,用配对t检验和一般线性相关分析比较两种血样之间的离子浓度差异和相关性,结果静脉血清钾离子浓度(4.32+0.29)mmol/L,动脉全血钾离子浓度(4.16+0.33)mmol/L,静脉血清和动脉全血中钾离子浓度差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),直线相关方程为静脉血清钾V=0.778×动脉全血钾A+1.083(mmol/L);动脉全血和静脉血清中的钠离子、氯离子浓度差异无统计学意义。结论体外循环后血气分析仪测定的动脉全血钾离子浓度与生化分析仪测定的静脉血清钾离子浓度差异有统计学意义,不能参考同一标准,需建立动脉血气钾离子浓度的正常参考值范围,钠离子、氯离子浓度可以参考同一标准。



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