首页> 中文期刊> 《世界最新医学信息文摘(电子版)》 >30味中药对人头皮游离毛囊体外培养的影响




目的:探讨中草药对人头皮游离毛囊器官体外培养的影响,为医治脱发的新药开发提供新的思路。方法采用体外器官培养法对人头皮游离毛囊进行培养,观察体外培养生长毛囊的形态变化及30味中药对人头皮游离毛囊生长的影响。结果体外培养的人头皮游离毛囊在1~4天生长速度最快,毛囊的形态结构在10天内无明显改变,制首乌、牛膝、熟地、女贞子、旱莲草、骨碎补、桑寄生、柏子仁等中药对体外培养的人头皮游离毛囊有明显的促生长作用,其中以中药制首乌、牛膝、熟地作用最为明显(P <0.05),而中药黄芪、茯苓、桑白皮、桑椹、百部、菟丝子、蔓荆子对人头皮游离毛囊的生长有抑制作用(P <0.05)。结论人头皮游离毛囊器官体外培养可作为研究毛囊生长的可行方法和筛选生发药物模式;中药熟地、牛膝、制首乌对体外培养人头皮游离毛囊具有明显的促生长作用;植物生发药具有广阔的开发研究前景。%Objective We investigate the effect of 30 Chinese herbal medicines in the culture of human hair follicle in vitro . Methods An in vitro organ culture model of human hair follicle was used to investigate the effect of 30 Chinese herbal medicines on the length of hair growth and morphological change of the bulb. Results The results demonstrated that the hair growth was significantly stimulated in the follicles cultured with Polygonum multiflorum, Achyranthes bidentata , Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch ,Ligustrum Lncidum ,Eclipta prostrata ,Drynaria fortunei, Taxillus chinensis or Platyclatus orientalis(P <0.05). whereas the hair growth was inhibitied in follicles cultured with Vitex trifolia, Cuscuta chinensis, Astragalus membranaceus,Morus alba,Stemona sessilifolia or Poria cocos (P <0.05).Polygonum multiforum and Radix rehmannia praeparate stimulated hair growth in the culture depend on its concentration. Conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate the effects of Chinese herbal medcines on human hair follicle culture in vitro.Results from this study have furnished the information to develop new medicines for hair disorder .



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