首页> 中文期刊>无线互联科技 >舰船电子系统电磁兼容性问题分析及对策探讨




As a big country in the world, China has a very long coastline, corresponding to the coast to have considerable support, ship is an important force in the maritime defense, the electronic system electromagnetic compatibility problem directly affects the whole ship safety and ship combat. Generally speaking, all kinds of electronic equipments are in the ship, the technical condition is very complex, between each other will produce serious electromagnetic interference (EMI). Therefore, this paper on ship electronic system electromagnetic compatibility problem analysis and ifnd the corresponding countermeasures to improve the safety performance of the ship. This paper is mainly generated from the ship's hardware and software two parts analyze the electromagnetic interference. And then ifnd out the solution to the corresponding reasons.%中国作为世界大国,拥有极长的海岸线,对应的海防就要有相当的保障。舰船是海上防卫的重要力量,其电子系统的电磁兼容问题直接影响着整个舰船的安全性和舰船的战斗力。一般而言,舰船里的电子设备种类繁多,技术状态非常复杂,相互之间会产生严重的电磁干扰,因此,文章对舰船里的电子系统的电磁兼容性问题进行了分析并找出相应的对策来提高舰船的安全性能。文章主要是从舰船的硬件和软件2部分来分析电磁干扰产生的原因,再针对相应的原因找出解决办法。



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