首页> 中文期刊>给水排水 >涡流絮凝澄清技术在嘉兴某净水厂中的运用




嘉兴某公司净水厂在扩容新建澄清池过程中使用涡流絮凝澄清技术,对<给水排水标准图>中320 m~3/h水力循环澄清池S771(八)的内部构造作适当改造:缩短喉管长度,改变第一及第二反应室构造并在反应区加入涡流反应器,沉淀区加设斜管,外形尺寸及结构保持不变.改造后单池处理规模提高到500 m~3/h,澄清池出水浊度稳定在3 NTU以下,滤后水浊度小于1 NTU,涡流投资在35元/m~3以下.实践表明,涡流絮凝澄清技术具有澄清效率高、出水质量优、适应变化能力强、施工方便等优点.%The vortex flocculation clarification technology was employed in the reconstruction project of a water treatment plant in Jiaxing. The inter structure of 320 m~3/h circulator clarifier S771 was properly modified: the throat pipe was shortened; the first and second reaction chamber structure were changed and the vortex reactors were embedded in the reactor areas; the size and structure of the sedimentation area were remained the same but the tubes were installed. After the reconstruction, the processing capability of single tank increased to 500 m~3/h, the turbidity of the effluent from clarification tank and filtration was respectively below 3 NTU and 1 NTU respectively, and the invest for vortex was below 35 YUAN/m~3. The practical application showed that the vortex flocculation clarification technology had many advantages, such as high efficiency, high effluent quality, outstanding flexibility, and easy construction.



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