首页> 中文期刊>给水排水 >东莞市宏远片区内涝原因分析及整治方案设计




对广东东莞市宏远片区排水系统现状和内涝原因进行分析,提出了内涝整治方案,采用以下具体措施:建立雨水和污水分流制收集系统,其中雨水收集系统根据地势不同,以3.70m(1985高程)划分自排和强排范围,自排区域建设雨水系统,排至运河,原排水管作污水管;强排区域建设污水系统,原排水管作雨水管,排至现状泵站.同时对狭窄街巷敷设雨水边沟,对运河雨水排出口进行优化设计,改善水流条件,减少对河道的影响.%Analysis of the status of the drainage system and the reason of flood in Hongyuan District, Guangdong Dongguan, the flood control program was proposed and the measures as follows. The establishment of rainwater and sewage separate sewer system, including rainwater collection system based on different terrain with 3. 7 m (1985 elevation), the compelling and gravitational area, constructed rainwater drainage system discharge to the canal in gravitational drainage area and made the original drainage network as sewage system, constructed sewage system in compelling drainage area and made original drainage network as rainwater system discharge to pumping stations. At the same time, constructed drainage system by gutter on the narrow streets, optimized the design of rainwater outfall of the canal to improve the flow conditions and reduce the impact to the river.



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