首页> 中文期刊>职业技术教育 >英国幼师职前教育与资格认证制度对我国幼师教育的启示




学前教育作为我国基础教育的一部分,是国民教育体系的奠基.幼师队伍专业化建设直接影响一个国家学前教育质量.顺应世界学前教育发展趋势,英国几届政府对学前教育进行大刀阔斧式改革,通过提高幼师职前教育质量和加强幼儿教师资格认证制度来促进幼师专业发展.英国的资格认证制度和职前教育途径及课程设置,我国应提高幼师职业学校生源质量、增加幼师职业学校理论课程比重,丰富幼师职前教育途径.%Preschool education as part of compulsory education is the foundation of national education system. It plays a positive role to improve the population quality of China. In order to follow the trend of the dramatic development of preschool education in the world, the British governments enacted numerous policies such as EYPS and EYTS to improve the quality of preschool practitioners' initial training and strengthen the qualification certification system, which are beneficial to promoting preschool practitioners' professionalism. It is of significant enlightenment to solve problems in initial education for preschool teachers of China enhance the student quality of preschool teachers' schools, increase the proportion of theoretic courses, and enrich the training approaches of preschool education.



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