首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >企业教练型领导与员工创新行为的实证研究




The behavior of corporate leadership has an important association on the state and behavior, even the personal development of the employees, and the personal development of the employees have an important impact on the development of enterprises. The influence of individual employees on the enterprise can be reflected through their innovative ability and innovative behavior. However, in the daily work of employees, the psychological capital of employee is an important factor affecting the implementation of innovative behavior. Seen in this light, there is a close relationship among the coaching behavior of corporate leadership, the psychological capital of employees and the implementation of innovation behavior of employees, and the three have far-reaching impact on the development of enterprises.%企业领导的行为对员工的工作状态和工作效率,甚至个人发展都有着重要的关联作用,而员工的自身发展对企业的发展又有着重要的影响。企业员工个人对企业的影响作用可以通过其创新能力,创新行为的实施表现出来。然而在企业员工的日常工作当中,员工的心理资本是影响其创新行为实施的重要因素。由此看来,企业领导的教练行为、企业员工的心理资本、企业员工的创新行为的实施,这三者之间有着密不可分的关系,对企业的发展也存在着深远影响。



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