首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >浅谈房产测绘重要性及其质量管理




随着房地产市场的迅速发展,房地产测绘工作就越来越重要,因此房地产在人们生活中也起着越来越重要作用,这对从事房地产测绘的技术及如何协调房产测绘市场也将是一场挑战,同时也是保证房屋以及房屋用地等相关信息是否准确、客观以及公正的主要手段,也可以对房地产市场的交易进行合理的规范,以此增加科学性的房产管理,并能够如实保护当事人的合法权益。本文就如何加强质量管理以及确保房产测绘质量进行了探讨。%With the rapid development of the real estate market, real estate surveying and mapping work is more and more important, so the real estate plays a more and more important role in people's daily life, which is a challenge for the staff engaged in real estate surveying and mapping and how to coordinate the real estate market. And it is also a main means to ensure the accuracy, objectiveness and fairness of housing and housing related the information. It also can regularize the real estate market transactions, in order to make real estate management more scientific, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. This article discusses on how to strengthen the quality of management and ensure the quality of real estate surveying and mapping.



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