首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >展会专业观众住宿选择行为研究




There is a close relationship between exhibition industry and hotel industry, and the operating performance of some hotels greatly relies on the exhibition tourists. Although the study of tourism accommodation and business travel has made a lot of achievements, the study on the accommodation behavior of exhibition visitors based on the exhibition industry is still relatively less. Taking the 33rd session of the China (Guangzhou) International Furniture Fair for example, this paper conducts measurement and analysis on the accommodation behavior of professional visitors of exhibition, studies their features on accommodation choice and the importance of accommodation choice perception factors, and uses IPA model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of operating the professional visitors of exhibition for Guangzhou hotels. The study finds that the most important for the professional visitors is still to stay to get a good rest instead of modern office capacity; tolerant type, business-oriented, demanding type and utility-oriented audience are the 4 most basic types of visitors; IPA method shows that the hotels in Guangzhou need pay efforts to the skills and attitudes of service employees and the Internet coverage of hotels.%会展业和酒店行业有着密切的关系,有的酒店经营业绩极大的依托于会展客源。虽然目前针对旅游住宿和商务旅游的研究已经取得了很多的成果,但是立足于会展行业,专门对会展观众住宿行为进行的研究还比较少。本文以第33届中国(广州)国际家具博览会为例,对展会专业观众的住宿行为进行了度量和剖析,研究了展会专业观众住宿选择特征,住宿选择感知因素的重要性,并使用IPA模型分析了广州酒店经营展会专业观众的优劣势。研究发现,展会观众住宿时最看重的仍然是获得良好的休息而非现代化办公能力;宽容型、商务导向型、苛求型和实用导向型是4类最基本的观众类型;IPA方法显示广州的酒店还需要在员工服务的技能及态度,酒店互联网覆盖等方面做出努力。



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