首页> 中文期刊> 《教育文化论坛》 >夏同龢的状元渊源述略




夏同龢是贵州历史上的两名文状元之一.在他一生的交游中,与同为晚清时代的其他状元颇有渊源.考察夏同龢与其他状元的渊源与交游,揭示夏同龢与其他状元之间的异同,反映夏同龢作为一名状元的个性特点,不仅能推动夏同龢研究向纵深展开,同时也能加深我们对夏同龢所生活的晚清民初社会剧烈变革与社会转型这一特殊的时代的了解与把握.本文即旨在对夏同龢的状元渊源以及夏同龢与其他状元的交游关系作一粗略的考察梳理,意图抛砖引玉,以引起学界对这一问题的关注与更多更深入的研究.%ia Tonghe was one of the two liberal arts scholars in the history of Guizhou. In his friendship he had great origin with other scholars in the late Qing Dynasty. Reviewing his friendship with other scholars, revealing the similarities and differences between them and reflecting his characters as a scholar will not only promote in-depth research on Xia Tonghe, but also deepen our understanding of the acute social changes and transformation during the period of the late Qing the early Republic. The present pa-per intends to make an initial review of Xia Tonghe' s scholar origin and his relationship with other schol-ars, so as to cause attention to and arouse more and deeper researches into this problem.



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